
I do not want 45 year old males, or any males, trolling Jezebel looking for female attention.

It wasn't an offer. It was an order. Leave.

Except that's NOT what this says at all. This is purely about sexual preference, NOT about seeking a mate.

I did not mention "hotness", because youth is the key. Young women can more easily reproduce, older men more easily provision.

Is this what you believe or are you being facetious?

Nobody gives a fuck what you think. We don't need to hear from more middle-aged males who think the world should be constantly blessed with their opinions.

You will never see that. There will never be a rush, under any circumstance, of heterosexual young men to be "trophy husbands" for older women. To believe otherwise this is to misunderstand male desire completely.

Er, disagree with pretty much everything you've said here.

If we lived in a world in which women orgasmed as often as men, were not disproportionately likely to have experienced sexual trauma and were not judged as harshly for wanting sex, who is to say that male and female sex drives wouldn't be similar, even in aggregate?

Realistic under what criteria? In the pursuit of passing on DNA through children, an older male seeking a younger female is fairly realistic, as far as expectations go.

Maybe sexually, what men would prefer above all else, remains the same but there is no epidemic of 50something men divorcing their wives to marry 24-year olds. It happens sometimes but it's hardly a pervasive phenomenon, except perhaps in certain social circles. I guess what I'm trying to say is that what men want, if

It means they are entitled, whiny children usually.

Why is there so much anger over this? As if men are choosing to be attracted to something specific. That is not how attraction works. No amount of complaining by women is going to change something biological that has developed over thousands and thousands of years. Men are attracted to specific characteristics of

Believe me, some things you're better off just not knowing.

What does "involuntarily celibate" even mean?

Or maybe men don't date women of the age they're most 'sexually interested in' because they have standards and priorities to pursue in a partner other than what their dick wants. There seems to be an assumption here that men would all only go after women in their twenties if they would only reciprocate their interest,

I don't have much problem with either of the tweets, I probably would have made similar posts. As for Kerry's hair comment, it's what I thought too. And really we haven't seen Olivia Pope doing business without a certain look or demeanor. I'm sure sentiments have been made about white characters like this too. I'm not

Seeeeeriously. Every time I see Viola Davis I think of that line. Just like every time I see Brad Pitt I say "WHAT'S IN THE BOXXXX".

I don't watch Scandal so I wouldn't even care about that tweet to begin with. On top of that the Viola Davis one is a reach. It's one of her most famous roles and she got nominated for an OSCAR doing it...which is amazing and should be brought to light because Hollywood does have a color problem and it's more rare for

I'd like to point out that since only women of fame, fortune and talent were specifically and uniquely targeted, I feel that when we make grandstanding personal declarations about events that aren't really an issue for the women that are fameless and less affluent from the online comment class, it takes away from the