
Careful with the n word, this is Deadspin, they and us will shame the shit out of you if we find out who you are, that is unless your black, or Spanish, wait what do we do when Spanish people say the n word...anyway where was I, oh yeah!...wait your n word doesn't have the er at the end, what do we do for that...god i

Thank you! I plan on documenting the infractions in this video after I finish cataloging every rules violation from every game the Harlem Globetrotters have ever played.

From a speed perspective, sliding only makes sense if you need to get there quickly AND you need to stop there quickly. You can run past first so stopping is irrelevant there. The "friction of your feet" while running is meaningless (since it's static, and without that friction you wouldn't be able to run in the first

I am 100% positive that Harold Reynolds is the dumbest human alive. I'm a major seam head so yeah, I watched the baseball amateur draft in 2013 (hosted by aforementioned mastermind). Here's how a typical post-pick analysis would go:

I've got no problem with the victims of car accidents, plane crashes, and tornadoes taking their selfies. They're the ones who experienced the trauma. They can deal with it how they choose to.

Yep, major difference between the selfies of the survivors and the selfies of the gaping assholes on the highway choosing someone's suicide attempt as background.

I'd say it started to hit the fan with Ricky Clemons and just got worse from there. Remember Carmento Floyd telling him to "stay away from the white women" and all his problems would go away!? Why is Mike Alden still around, when we've had multiple Chancellors, Presidents, and Head Coaches get fired for


Ok, I'm a Mizzou fan and I laughed at this. +1

My job is to get it fixed. That's what I intend to do.

In the book "The System: The glory and scandal of big time college athletics", they actually devote a whole chapter to another incident that occurred at Mizzou under Pinkel's watch. Unfortunately this seems like an almost carbon copy of the "pressure" and intimidation they describe in the book.

Is there a word for when a player tries to take a charge, only the ballhandler never actually makes contact, yet the defender hits the floor anyway?

It's Duking, and it's always been Duking.

And there's your 2014 Braves yearbook cover.

Sure, and Mount Mutumbo was a nickname that alluded to him being a massive landform formed by tectonic shifts and volcanism.

Let her approach you slowly and sniff your hand to become comfortable with you. Remember, lesbians are startled by loud noises and sudden movements.

So you're saying that the lead singer of Las Vegas-based band The Killers purchased/was given a UNLV (as in University of Nevada-Las Vegas) themed jacket to wear during a Final Four performance... And that he wore it with the sole purpose of having people talk about it. And it was observed and reported on by this

Don't get as drunk on cheap beer as I am on my own power.

I'm dead inside,

The guys on his floor will own him tonight. I was a Resident Director (fancy Higher Ed term for RA supervisor) for 4 years and this shit is the exact opposite of what we would tell the RAs to do. Also, by threatening them with the reminder, "I'm still going to be your RA for another month" means "bang on my door every