
Why does this show attract so many nutjobs? Jenny McCarthy's an anti-vaxxer, Sherri Shepherd believes the Earth might be flat, and O'Donnell is a 9/11 truther. Not to mention the varying degrees of evolution and climate change denying among at least half of the hosts.

Funny & scruffy guys with green eyes are definitely near the top of the hotness totem.

So much handsome in one movie… I will probably be watching this.

Well, she's being written about on the internet, and that was the only goal of the lawsuit all along.

I am so unhip that I clicked on this expecting to read about some bizarre musical outreach meant to convince Millenials to vote Republican in Wisconsin's next election.

How bizarre is it that this 90-minute murder ad can somehow get a PG-13 rating. Yet a female nipple in one scene would probably bump it up to an R rating. Unless the nipple was being hacked off with a machete, that'd probably be fine.

Ugh, I had my fill of gay rom-coms back in high school when they were all I watched. I think I even saw that one you mentioned. My boyfriend still watches them on Netflix every now and then, and I just can't bring myself to…. unless he allows me to do A MST3K-like commentary throughout.

Mysterious Skin was pretty great. I kind of have a soft spot for a lot of the other Gregg Araki films, because they're balls-out insane.

Gay movies. All we get to choose from are indie rom coms, preachy coming of age stories, or AIDS/gay bashing oscar bait. If we're lucky, sometime a truly horrible film might combine two of those tropes.

This show definitely needed some full-frontal action.

Where is that photo from?

To be fair, AC3, AC4 and Liberations seem to lay the blame for slavery squarely at the feet of the Templars. They're not the "good guys" by any stretch… but I never thought the Assassins were either. They always came of us anarchist terrorists to me.

yes, THIS.

The CPS dropout rate is about 1/3 of students, not 50%.
That's a horrifying enough figure that doesn't need embellishing.

The vita version's controls are horrid. I don't know if it's an option for you, but you do get the PS4 version included with your purchase of the Vita version. I enjoyed the game immensely after I just deleted the Vita version and just played the console one.

I recently played through three of the dumbest video games in recent memory (Watch Dogs, Arcania and Binary Domain) and I desperately needed palette cleanser, so I replayed Journey and picked up Flower for the first time from a recent PSN sale. They're both such a breaths of fresh air, and Flower looks amazing on the

I guess Ryan Murphy is a fan of Orphan Black.

Those scripted moments in TR were great, and I thought it ended up being a better game than any of the Uncharted games, as those tended to really go over-the-top with the action sequences. TR really hit the sweet spot between gritty realism and crazy action sequences.

I loved that scene at the end, actually. I'm ashamed to admit it made me squeal like a fanboy.

The trailer is easy to mock, but I'm looking forward to this. I did not expect to like the Tom Raider reboot as much as I did, but it was probably one of my favorite games of the last few years. The ending even awakened some inner TR fanboyism that I didn't know I had.