
The "left" is nothing more than a cultural police force these days. Maybe an even more embarassing loss in the 2018 midterms will knock some sense into people, but I doubt it.

Thanks, but it looks like The Dissolve errm.. dissolved 2 years ago.
Shame, it looks like a really good site. I spent like an hour just reading their old stuff.

lol my kind? I phonebanked for HRC & wouldn't piss on Trump et al if they were on fire.
Not all of us want to spend every minute drowning in Trump news. It's tiring & I get enough of it from NPR.

I guess you mistook my genuine inquiry as some sort of snarky bitching, & responded accordingly.
I'm not going anywhere if this is the best there is.
But thanks for your not-at-all tired witty retort.

So can anyone recommend a decent site for entertainment news, reviews & TV recaps on par with what AV Club used to be?
The echo chamber of Trump articles & Thought Catalog-level TV recaps just aren't for me.

Hannibal x Will or GTFO

Your tax dollars at work, ladies and gents…

"The inept President passed legislation for the immigration reform, gun control, equal pay, police reform, etc but let's ignore that information"
Like you ignore the information that none of that would be accomplished if not for the people he surrounds himself with- people like Cyrus, Olivia, even Mellie and Susan Ross

People love Mellie because she is inexplicably the only person who routinely calls Fitz out on his shit. Fitz is a horrible human being, and an even worse president. He makes Dubya look like Abraham Lincoln. This is a man who killed a Supreme Court justice with his bare hands, shot down a planefull of people under

Yeah, I'm usually all for stuff like this, but these choice of characters are strange. Tifa and Nabooru are from games that are over a decade old, and from a time when female character proportions were even more ridiculous than the ones we typically see today. Why use Lara's old model, instead of the more recent

Why can't all these people die of old age already? It feels like we've been waiting forever.

The Strain was endlessly dull, which is the worst sin that bad sci-fi can commit. Helix, on the other hand, is insane and fun-to-watch garbage.
Also, don't watch this expecting a medical drama. You will be sorely disappointed.

I love this garbage show and after reading this I am ever more excited to see it. Seriously, I have been looking forward to its return just as much as Broad City and The Americans. No other show offers up such delightfully campy sci-fi mediocrity, but without the overeager, orchestrated awfulness of the average syfy

Nothing sexual about the video? Yeah, well this was the first time Shia LaBeouf gave me a boner, and now I have to live with that.
Thanks a lot Sia.

Ok, I've been racking my brain about this line…
Helen tells Noah something like "All these years I was afraid I had married my father. But really, I had married my mother."
Am I missing something, because this makes no sense. How is Noah anything like Helen's mom, and not like the womanizing, self-absorbed writer that

In Batman & Robin, she's Alfred's niece. I have a feeling the show won't be adapting much from that turd of a movie though….

So? I mean, even if that's true, does it matter? The show has a retro vibe, so including a stereotypicl sissy villain actually fits in quite well.

He captures my interest just fine whenever he's in a sleeveless shirt. That's about it….

The 14th season of Degrassi also premieres on Teen Nick tonight. I've been watching this new incarnation of the show since I was a dumb teen myself, and don't plan on stopping soon. I just love frothy, soapy teen melodramas, and this one is probably the gold standard.

Jane the Virgin has a horrible premise. Realistically, the show would end after one episode: she sues the hospital and gets an abortion, the end. If I was conspiracy-minded, I'd say the show was just a piece of anti-choice propoganda.