
"All of this takes place in the period immediately before and after an apocalyptic 'waterless flood' that kills most of the world’s population…"

Don't ask me. I'd sooner call myself a feminist rather than a feminist ally.

Good point. In regard to women's rights, some guys call themselves "feminist allies." It feels like a weird category in that regard too.

Nice to see a self-proclaimed straight ally act like one for a change. Yeah, he said something stupid, but has turned it into a teachable moment with a surprisingly sincere apology.

Better for who? You and your delicate sensibilities?
What a nasty little shit you are.

The usual "we can't have progress because corporations and rich people are evil" excuse.

"Leekie doesn’t intimidate on his own, but the fact that he’s creating a synthetic womb—quite literally reducing women to a manmade reproductive organ—as a pet project? That’s scary shit."

Actually, I loved the Toad levels in 3D world. I don't get why there weren't more added with DLC, or why the concept couldn't have been expanded into a full game.

Well, it's amazing because the overworld has been streamlined, instead of "stripped down." It's small hub worlds were almost like mini-dungeons themselves.
It's amazing because the art style combines the best of Wind Waker and OoT to make the game like like a gorgeous old-school Disney cartoon.
It's amazing because

Yeah, definitely! I'd really like to see them combine the ideas of Skyward Sword and aLBW for the next Wii U Zelda. Those two games tweaked so many things and really got me excited for the future of the series. I feel like the next Zelda is really going to be a game-changer.

I think the problem is the games haven't been innovative in the right way… no games use that giant battery-draining controller's touchscreen in any meaningful way. It serves no purpose, and I for one use the wii remote and nunchuk combo whenever possible to avoid dealing with the thing.

I'm looking forward to dusting off the Wii U to play this…. Such a cliche to say at this point, but sadly it's true. My Wii U hasn't been used since DKC in February, before that it wasn't touched since Mario 3D World In December. After a few weeks playing MK8 and my free Pikmin 3, I probably won't touch the Wii U

A Link Between Worlds is AMAZING and you must play it immediately if you prefer the 2D Zeldas.

I kind of hate how that game has somehow become this cult classic all of a sudden. It's probably the only Zelda I dislike.

I wasn't going to get this right away, but the free-game promotion is really too sweet to pass up. I'll be getting Pikmin 3 and Mario Kart 8 for the price of one game basically.

I did find it funny that the game's version of Navy Pier is literally just a small building with a tiny dock by the lake. Why even include it??

It's crazy to think that Sleeping Dogs did it better, but it's probably true.

Seriously, I thought they were really going to go all-out with the Chicago setting. I actually liked all the the historical tidbits and bios in the AC games and hunted down all of them. It was a fun way to explore the cities and look for stuff to read about further on Wikipedia. The few hotspots that are in this

Hacking drains the phone's battery life, but it recharges quickly over time. I guess it's powered by the heat from Aiden's sweaty palms.

I keep hoping the success of games like Bioshock, Fallout and Last of Us would show these publishers that blockbuster games don't have to be dumbed down for dudebros in order to sell millions of copies…. but some things never change.