
You can also hack into those mechanical pony rides that you see in front of grocery stores.

It's nice to see so many reviewers finally calling a mediocre blockbuster game mediocre, but more people need to start calling out Ubisoft for their bizarre decision to homogenize so many of their games. They now have three series (Watch Dogs, Far Cry, and AC) with nearly identical gameplay, although in different

I only vaguely remember the MST3K version of that movie…. so maybe?

The main character is the WORST. He says the strangest shit, so he almost comes of as a spoof of the typical impossibly-deep-voiced white guys you see in nearly every game. He is also ugly as sin.

A person who own a TV "feels some shame about basing so much of your personality and lifestyle around a fantasy world that is funded and carefully crafted by for your consumption by huge corporations."

What a sweet story, seriously.

Not threatened, just annoyed by self-important, judgmental comments like this.

And Reign…?

Once again, as with all other things, Nintendo proves that they're living in the past.


So "the Darkness" is a flesh-and-blood person? I think I may have missed something….

I feel like this plotline isn't going to pay off until later, and I like it. Imagine if Julien finds out Lola's child is the bastard of the future French king. There's money in that, and a broke, possibly murderous Julien is going to want it.

Two episodes left! Is there any word on whether the show was renewed for a second season yet?
I'm getting increasingly worried that we're only getting one season and this is the last I'll be seeing of Queen Catherine….

In the pilot, Elizabeth said she hoped the kids would become trade unionists once "she's done with them"….

The thing is, the two things she's really well-known for are her sitcoms and her anti-vax views. Those are here two major claims to fame. There are plenty of vegans who aren't anti-vaxxers, and who could make a strong case for veganism. Why should I care what she has to say about the subject, considering how

Like it or not, the anti-vax stuff makes everything else this woman says completely suspect. I wouldn't mind reading an interview about veganism, but not when it's about someone who's a complete kook.

Where do you live? I live in Chicago, and at least half of the gay relationships I've encountered are open. I've only met one straight couple in an open relationship, but the guy was bi. Do all gay relationships have to be open for gay culture to not be seen as "puritanical or judgmental?"

"there seems a lot less acceptance among gays themselves for open relationships or multiple sex partners"

"I’m sure North’s involvement will only bolster the arguments of those who refuse to watch (or love to watch) the show because they believe it to be some sort of Reagan and/or CIA apologia that’s meant to portray the Soviets as bumbling fools."

Did you see the electoral map during that one scene? Sally was pretty much winning all the the traditional deep-red states, while Fitz had the coasts locked up like a democrat. Reston was winning Colorado and maybe two other states.