
Samantha Bee is a gorram national treasure. TBS needs to free up the show so it can go to HBO, where for one hour a week Oliver and Bee can make us laugh, tell us what’s fucked up, and how to fix it. A Samantha Bee/John Oliver hour would certainly help us all survive President Drumpf.

I love how much we can learn from how we raise our children. For instance, my mom explained to my grandmother that she had a right to her own checking account in the 1980's (my grandma had no idea it was possible for her to open one on her own), I explained what ‘date rape’ was to my mom, who had never heard the term

Yes, I realize other countries have women presidents/leaders. But my family and I live in the US. Having a woman as “our” president would be a lot more visible to a little kid who likely isn’t up to speed on the state of international politics. Little kids are taught about “their” president from a young age, and being

Thank you for being a consistent, loud and proud supporter of her on this site. I think many Bernie supporters have been in denial for so long because their voices are incredibly louder online whereas many Hillary supporters just didn’t want to engage and get the blowback. And I truly have respect for the amount of

For a while there I wondered if I was being gas lighted, seeing how much vitriol and contempt there was towards Hillary from Bernie supporters. For some it wasn’t vitriol but a completely reasonable case of ‘I think my candidate is just better,’ but the majority of what I was reading (or maybe the majority of what I

I'm feeling a mix of happy and sad about this because of my mother and aunt. My aunt was a leader in our government and she's not going to live to see the election. At least, my mother migh see a woman elected in her lifetime.

Haters gonna hate but, when all is said and done, and we are 50 years past this, HRC is going to be on a dollar bill, or some monument, or something. The crap this woman has had to go through to get this far, and the pure gumption and chutzpa she has shown in the face of enormous animosity, sexism, and whatever else


I voted for Bernie in my state’s primary but I’m 100% over him now and not because he’s losing. I get what he’s doing and I respect his views on a lot of things but I’m starting to see cracks in the integrity he always professed. Agreeing to engage in a debate for charity to benefit women’s issues without the only

She was born in 2007 and has no memory of a time when we didn’t have a black man as our president. She goes to school with kids from all over. She and her dad speak Spanish at home. She came home yesterday telling me that it’s important to be considerate of fasting classmates during Ramadan.

Her world is so different

I’m emotional today, so I can’t even imagine how she feels. This is huge and important and we should all take a collective moment to realize that. The people who are naysaying and frustrated, I understand that your candidate didn’t get the nomination or you don’t like her or whatever. But seriously, this is a MOMENT.

I am thrilled about this nomination! I don’t agree with Hillary on several issues, but that’s ok, she is still the best person for the job.

This makes me want to cry again, it would be like the 4th time so far and I’ve only been awake for three hours.

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but

Look, no matter what you think of her, this is pretty awesome. Women could not vote until 1920, less than 100 years ago, much less run for office. Having a black president followed up by a lady would be damn cool 12 (16? please?) year streak for the Oval Office.

My hormones are going crazy today and I’ve cried at every story about Hillary I’ve read this morning (I also cried at the video of everyone saluting Bretagne the 9/11 search dog as she walked into the vet’s office for the last time). Hillary wasn’t my first choice but Bernie has completely lost me the past few months

I know it doesn’t actually matter at this point, BUT I JUST VOTED FOR HER AND I AM SUPER EXCITED!

Been waiting for y’all to see that she’s always been way more impressive, honorable and progressive than the bogus opposition talking points led so many to believe.

It’s killing me how young she sounds. This is it ladies. Take us to the promised land, Hillary.