
are you forgetting about this bundle?

are you forgetting about this bundle?

I believe most issues are with older components and incorrect drivers. Mad Max doesn’t even start on my older laptop with Win 10, but I don’t think HP will ever go back to polishing drivers for their older machines.

Many of the complaints on Steam and negative review on Metacritic are from Win 10 users, but IMO they should have been prepared for problems on a system still very much in development.

the artwork looks nice, though.

welcome back!

syphon filter! the game of my childhood! gimme more, gimme sequels. and gimme the stupid crazy good split screen multiplayer!

depends on the country and stuff. this is the university gym, price for students. normal monthly subsription in any other gym in town ranges from 18 - 30 dollars (converted)

150 bucks? that’s like... 10 months worth of subscription to my gym... if you work hard, in 10 months you can get similar body shape if you want... (well, just the men, of course. 136 for fake titties beats breast implant prices)

I see that as a possible starting Vault for the game. Interesting thought.

not if they execute it as well as Bethesda did with Fallout Shelter ;-)

My guess is... with the announcement of MGS 6, of course!

What’s next? Tom & Jerry?

Mr. Pickles

If somebody can make this right, it’s Platinum Games. I’d like more of Vanquish and MGR!

I dont think so. Since Star Wars is now owned by Disney, and they are pushing it into family entertainment, I wouldnt be expecting a release of new game with such dark tones and adult themes.

Given their emphasis on dudebros games and american football games... which is very much blah for EU audience, no wonder.

me, too

Well, I grew up in post-communist society with overpriced shitty computers, no games consoles (only some chinese Sega knockoffs from vietnamese market stalls) and basically no support from any games publishers. Only games available were in bigger supermarkets and it was a very poor selection of very overpriced games -

Here we go. Assassin’s Creed: GTA