
Yeah. Like Tokyo Jungle meets Enslaved, meets Assassin’s Creed, meets Shadow of the Colossus, meets Vanquish, meets MGR? Revengeance?

I feel it really helped both MS and gamers that Xbox is now the underdog and they need to jump hoops to improve their standing. This was clearly not their original plan, but hell yeah, I approve with all ten fingers crossed. Hope that Sony doesn’t get lazy. Also, the way that competition is making shit better for

To see an example of how Microsoft is curating the content, look no further than on their mobile phone store. Last night, I browsed a little in there and I honestly think that shit is getting worse. Endless stream of unpolished and shameful copies of ocpies of copies, pirated GBA ports of Pokemon and Super Mario, not

I still have to finish New Vegas goty... O:)

Nah, I don’t really care. Actually, I don’t even watch trailers for movies I am excited about, and so on. There will be no Fallout for me until they release the complete edition and by that time, I’ll either get PS4 or upgrade my PC a bit ;-)

what about Windows Phone?

Yeah. If I wanted to play better version of SimCity meets Minecraft, there is Cities: Skylines. But I guess everyone is feeding off Minecraft’s success these days.

Gimme a solid, no excuses shooter and I am fine. I think this looks sweet.

Yeah, Galaxy is sweet, and I like the idea of installing my games on any computer that will work without logging in into any account. Cool to leave some games on the computer at the family cottage, so my young cousins can play something when they visit.

GoG’s summer sale was amazing. Still rolling strong.

Dunno, it’s kinda neat. Gets quite well balanced after you reach level 50 or so.

Sounds very similar to Radiate Athletics. I still didn’t get my t-shirts, as well as most backers, and the bastard went radio silence.

so, essentially, they are turning it into Assassin’s Creed:

same here, there’s no rush, plenty of games out there, my pile of shame is slowly growing anyway... also, recommended hardware becomes significantly cheaper by the time the GotY edition comes out :-)

well, the games industry these days is “release 80% finished game today, finish and polish tomorrow and later”

fuck physics and animations. gimme new story and world to explore with F3 and New Vegas mechanics and features and I am okay. at least it would run great on my less-than-high-end-PC

so they can offer you a 2TB revision in two years time :-D

man, you can easily change the harddrive inside your PS4. just buy any 2.5” SATA drive you like. I hear that SSHDs speed up the things a little bit, but going for SSD is unnecessary overkill.

Nintendo? Explain anything? In this universe?

I expect something in lines: 500GB drop to 350 USD, 1TB keeps the 400 USD price.