To make a small correction. Honda Fit was not discontinued, just taken down from US market. It’s still sold in Europe and other regions (called Fit or Jazz) and it’s exclusively hybrid. Price starts at around € 25K.
To make a small correction. Honda Fit was not discontinued, just taken down from US market. It’s still sold in Europe and other regions (called Fit or Jazz) and it’s exclusively hybrid. Price starts at around € 25K.
There was a case in my country (Slovakia, EU) when a motorbike rider took the hospital to the court for the damages to his special expensive motorbike suit (no idea how it’s properly called). They had to cut him up from the suit to save his life after an accident.
A few cents from the other side of the big pond.
So are you guys in US going to use the same system used by most EU countries?
Super happy for them! They are too good to be wasting their talent as support studio fo CoD machine. Their latest Spyro and Crash remasters were great, as well as Crash 4. And I actually did like Skylanders, still consider it as one of the most fun games for young kids.
European here. And ready to provide few additional details.
Just yesterday, I fired up SSX2 on my old PS2 and a CRT TV and showed my son (5yo) what daddy was playing in the old days. He loved it, just the joy of riding downhill and doing some basic jumps.
It’s one of the cheapest cars available in Europe. Like €11.5 K for base model, fully specced with every bell and whistle the factory offers, it still comes under €20 K.
I understand the criticism from the point of view of adults. But this is first and foremost a family movie, aimed at kids of all ages. Even if some parts are a bit “dark”, they are never too scary. I took my 4 y.o. son to see it in cinema (first cinema experience for him) and he was sooo happy. Cinema was packed with…
I love the original OldBoy, but think that Lady Vengeance was a bit better.
I know that RR Unbounded was not very popular, but why is it not included in this list? You managed to mention handheld entries of various quality, but not the last main console game in the series?
I know that RR Unbounded was not very popular, but why is it not included in this list? You managed to mention handheld entries of various quality, but not the last main console game in the series?
I’d say I am currently missing some fun arcade racers with a bit of destruction - something like Burnout, Blur, Split/Second, MotorStorm,... There was OnRush, but that was a bit too much “Overwatch” and now with EA sunsetting the servers...
Soo... from game design perspective (as junior game designer in a small studio you never heard of), crafting adds another system/layer of complexity into the game. More systems/layers = make the game feel meatier. Game designers tend to copy paste tried and well working things, just add some flavour or twist.
Pretty much standard business practice to bundle Europe, Middle East and Australia together - known under EMEA acronym. Very common in most huge companies.
Honestly, as an European, I am a bit baffled by all these Nissan news. As far as it seems here, Nissan is doing fine. They started offering 10 years warranty on their cars in Europe, and their SUV Qashqai is one of the most popular cars here - there is at least one on every street.
Luckily, story doesn't matter in this kind of games 😂
The game is awesome.
Here’s another take.
Valve must have had cut them a very sweet deal to make EA come back to Steam.