That’s a feature, not a bug!
That’s a feature, not a bug!
It’s a nod to Spider-Man: Far From Home, where he was in stealth suit in Prague, and called Night Monkey
Nissan’s offering, at least in Europe, is very much “meh” these days.
Knowing Google’s track record of supporting cool new ideas, then abandoning them quickly... Google will probably abandon it long before Volvo does. They are already abandoning Android Auto, before they even managed to get it running in all the civilized world (aka still not working in all Western Europe, for example).
Exactly. And in 3 weeks, Bungie announces a new 10 year deal with Ubisoft.
I live in Europe as well, lived in 3 countries so far. Don’t recall ever seeing an Infinity on the roads.
In other words, this is basically what Duke Nukem Forever should have been?
In Europe, where gas is like 6 bucks a gallon (around 1.5 EUR per litre), the return of investment is much faster.
To a large degree, this feels like premature childless pricks, who have no idea how mammals function, are jealous that it’s not them sucking the teat, so they want to spoil it for everyone else involved.
You probably don’t have a child, otherwise you’d known that breastfeeding doesn’t take 5 minutes. About 20 - 30 minutes is considered a norm, however small babies can easily spend 45 minutes sucking from the breast.
Jazz (how Fit’s called in Europe) is doing pretty well on the old continent. Sweet car for the dense European cities. Have bought one, as well, and couldn’t be happier.
IIRC, Crash Trilogy also had terrible loading times, which were later improved via patch.
Bucket / Egg seats.
Bucket / Egg seats.
If I had to guess, I’d think Peugeot could position themselves somewhere just above VW and just below Audi.
Definitely FUXOFT. The words under are name of the author Frantisek Fuka, so the “company name”is just a nice wordplay.
Rage 2 vibes, anyone?
Oh yes, the design of Russian cars did’t change much since the days of Soviet Union. You either get brutal and boxy, or straightforward tacky.
Glad you are back, hope you’ll keep on rocking and stay funky. Looking forward to read your lines.
Wasnňt it just last console generation when Microsoft wouldn’t allow Cross-Play between X360 and other consoles?? If I recall correctly, there was something about Final Fantasy Online.