aaaand.... I’m still playing the game on my good old trusty PS3 :-D
aaaand.... I’m still playing the game on my good old trusty PS3 :-D
I’d really love to see a Platinum Games version, though ;-)
We could also define all the Disney movies as - all the Disney animated pictures, all the live-action family comedies, all Marvel movies (except Spiderman and X-Men, though Spidey is apparently going to star in Disney production), all upcoming Star Wars movies and up until few years ago, also Miramax movies.
Xbox is not as strong in Europe as in US. X360 was popular to a certain extent in Eastern Europe thanks to being easily modified to play pirated copies. Most of those who wanted to play games the legal way opted for PS3, since no subscription was required to play online.
hmm... Blizzard, Konami (especially Kojima), Nintendo, Sony Computer Entertainment (especially Japan studio, but happening quite a lot in their WWS) and, ahem... 3D Realms
Criterion have already shown some footage from their new IP:
Yeah, but in my understanding, in recent years they had more studios working on NFS to give at least two years for development of each new entry.
If they didn't start working on a new game immediately (the production phase, meaning they had the concept developed beforehand), it's normal to downsize. Criterion downsized to the core team of like 10 people when they started working on their new game (currently in development), but in their case, most people were…
Another case of exactly the same as on PS3, just with better pixels?
Next week, AMD will come up with another card with same performance for 1/3 the price :-D
I almost fell of my chair laughing :-D
I have a feeling that microsoft tries to capture kids audiences with popular properties like minecraft and goat simulator.
Has no one else noticed that Jason is a DLC character?
Looks similarly "subtle" as Microsoft Surface product placement in the last effort to milk Ghost in the Shell franchise. Or was it just a big Surface commercial with Ghost in the Shell theme?
Me, too!
anyway, since my laptop of choice is Mac, my Kotaku feed would be very limited :-D
True. They may have fucked up some things in recent years, but still, they manage to make some of the most enjoyable games, company grows and thanks to the way it's managed, they provide constant work for thousands of people. Their AAA games may not be the most original on the market, but they know how to improve on…
They never did make it behind the former Iron Curtain, at least not officially. We were stuck with shady knock-offs of some Sega system (no idea which one, to us, it was just Sega, but it used yellow cartridges, often with 100+ games) from Vietnamese shops.
Road Rash is another on my wet-dreams wish list :-D
man, exactly. more MDK. make a sequel. then a prequel. and HD remaster and a reboot. doesn't matter, just more MDK.