Ouya controller is actually very nice, but with issues. Very solid, strong plastic and metal. Very very solid build. Comfortable also for large hands.
I see your point, but this issue really doesn't matter to me. I have decided to wait with purchase until the price drop. Then I will get the machine cheaper, with probably more refined and reliable hardware, and much cheaper games (not to mention there will be more of them).
Thank you, Captain Obvious, for pointing that out.
Now I hope that all the people, myself included, who purchased this game for Ouya will also get the update with these 50 new levels.
Most of the Europe doesn't give a crap about American "Football", too. We have a game called football, in US known as "soccer", where you actually use your feet and kick the ball all the time.
In my opinion, there will be Drake, of course. And somebody from his past is coming to destroy him. Also, overall darker tone of the whole game? More like Tomb Raider or TLoU?
Of course, you can still play your own media files from USB stick. This article is about the media server functionality, streaming media files from the computer to PlayStation.
And once again, this is an US only feature. Why do all these companies take crap on Europe?
Samsung 840 EVO 250GB | $175
Samsung 840 EVO 250GB | $175
They also exist in Denmark.
I'm coming around to the look of the black Xbox One, but like the original Xbox, I think the console looks better in white. Sadly, the only white consoles in existence have been destined for the homes of Microsoft employees. All except for one.
I can easily believe it.
Yeah, I'd also like to hear more.
Max Payne Complete Pack [Steam] ($15) | Amazon
Maybe Sony has better servers in Europe? I moved several times through different countries and it always looked like my PS3 was downloading according the speed of my connection. Being on Wi-Fi on 8mbit connection sucked, but back at home with wired connection on 100mbit fibre, it was downloading super fast.
Yeah. I really need something in the twisted sick ways of Takedown and Revenge. Pure adrenalin. Loved those games.
Old habits die hard, especially with corrupt politicians taking turn back to communism. I'm from Slovakia, just moved my ass out of there last month to Denmark. Much nicer place to live, so far.