
Well, for instance, behind the iron curtain, in Western Europe before 1989 it was a common practice to stand in line for everything. Bananas, oranges, sometimes even toothpaste and toilet paper. Yeah. Seriously. And you were only able to buy very limited amount. It was literally oranges for Christmas, ya know?


Looks like they want to remind you and accustom you to their version of future - always watched through Kinect.

And they to convert that price from UK pounds to Euro with usual rate, so that translates from 500 GBP to almost 600 EUR.

I'm pretty sure that in this case, insane amounts of money were spent on development. And when they realized they have a true gem under their hands, they decided to spend another shitload of money on marketing.

This is where I study. At home I've got 100 Mbps optical cable. Nevertheless, I'm not getting the Xbone. Most of its services are unusable here in Europe. Or not interesting at all. Like, you know, American Football - no one gives a damn about it here.

Few years since I've switched from PC to consoles, I am very glad that I have decided to go for PlayStation. My good old PS3 never let me down and growing library of great games makes me happy every day. I wish only the best for PS4. In a time, I definitely will buy one, when the price goes a little bit down and

yupp. I just don't feel comfortable wearing short/tennis socks with long pants. don't like the draft of air on my ankles.

What bugs me is how can anyone wear long pants and short socks (or no socks at all)?

Actually, this online pass strategy makes sense. And since I couldn't care less about multiplayer, it won't affect me. Not to say I don't buy used games anyway.

Maybe the problem is with the initial price of the games. Also I am on tight budget. But I always wait till the price drops. Can't afford to spend so much on games. Especially in EU, games are more expensive here. Nothing shocking if a new game for consoles costs 60 EUR or more.

Games also have somthing like new parts. DLC. Often very important story pieces. It's not the same, but kind of similar.

This looks like the place where discs come in. If it's normal Blu-Ray tray, this would be the first time Sony did not switch for new, more innovative format altogether (PS1 - CD, PS2 - DVD, PS3 - BR). Maybe they have something special waiting for us?

The way I see it is that nowadays anyone who realizes that they don't have the talent or skill and are lazy to develop some skills... simply run around naked and say it's art, or they tend to splash some random colors on the wall and claim that's art and if you don't understand it, you are supposedly stupid.

Too bad that these days showing off your genitals and running around naked is considered "art" or "talented".

You won't believe me, but I'm still playing this game on my SNES!

It's refreshing to talk to somebody new :-)

You're welcome :-)

I am also a big fan of great storytelling in games.

Actually, the game is pretty much scripted. Yes, you can approach some problems differently, but all the enemies are placed at the same locations. I suppose that in some areas you can choose how to proceed, as you say - to kill everyone, to sneak undetected, to kill only some of the enemies. But in the preview demo,