
"People claim story doesn't matter, that is why CoD is so popular."

Yeah, it truly is an experience. From what I've played, the game is linear, but strongly story-driven. And there is an emphasis on exploration. You really need to collect things in order to craft useful stuff and survive.

I also got the opportunity to play this preview demo. Played both levels three times, on all difficulty settings. What was included in the demo was completely linear. All the enemies at the same places, same scripted scenes.

I agree with you, Uncharted as a movie would work as a cheesy popcorn flick, but the writing is not so great. I mean, the dialogues work great in a game, but you can put only so many one-liners into a movie until it turns out as Avengers (if you watch closely, the whole movie is compiled from bold statements and

Well... Now I'm addicted to Attack on Titan. But seriously, thank you for this article. It made me care about the anime once again :-)

Problem is that even though Uncharted did have an interesting story, it would still be pretty bland movie - more or less another copy of Indiana Jones. It worked because we were able to relive some moments very similar to those in Indiana Jones movies.