
Sometimes I still hear people say that they love the Newsroom, and then I know I can never respect them again.

I’m glad other people still enjoy it, but I think it doesn’t hold up well at all. It’s all the smugness of the Clinton Administration couple with Sorkin’s own bullshit. That episode in season 1 when Sam lectures the DNC about how the 1% pay their fair share in taxes. Ugh.

I nearly fell out when I heard the part about Nicki’s brother. I literally had my hand to my chest while listening to this entire thing.

“I was devastated by the use of my image in place of my great friend and long-time collaborator Janet Patterson...I am alive and well and an active producer.”

It’s not good for you to be miserable and really not good for your kid to see you miserable, unloved, or treated badly. I stayed for 10 years for my kid. I really wish I had left sooner because she is so much happier with us apart and she was really damaged by the dysfunction she lived in. Best of luck to you.

I think this all the time. I have an acquaintance who was a successful model (cover of Vogue-level) and I always want to ask her this. She is insanely tall, and just shockingly beautiful. And super nice and warm and friendly and just lovely. So I would feel weird asking her this but I’m SO CURIOUS.

Despite ample evidence (including in this article) that it’s not necessarily the key to a happy existence, plus enough life experience to not be naive about the importance of beauty vs. other characteristics, I can’t help but be fascinated about what it would be like to be this impossibly attractive.

Me either. It lifts her in my estimation. After she made fun on Twitter of that high school girl who made a dress like hers to wear to her prom, my opinion of her took a nose dive. That girl was like 16 and she made that dress herself. It was so mean...and to turn her Twitter followers on her too. A very Milo Y move.

Please do not assume that I haven’t seen Dial M for Murder. I even saw a restored 3D print once (what a treat). The problem with using it in this post instead of A Perfect Murder is that Ray Milland never says, “THAT’S NOT HAPPINESS TO SEE ME, IS IT.”

Oh relax.

Oh relax.

To be fair, who wouldn’t go to such elaborate and life-altering lengths for a free trip to Chicago?

Meanwhile, ESPN’s interactive website for its 2016 Body Issue is still available, so fuck Sports Illustrated.

Was this a sort of sideways brag about the class of rotisserie chicken you have access to?

I won’t ever forgive her or Verlander for their classless little fits they threw over kneeling NFL athletes when that was a thing. I do not doubt for a minute that Kate acted the way they reporter her to have. Kate’s uncle is a long-time Republican Congressman up here in Michigan, and the family is from the Whirlpool

I actually always thought Debra Messing had a really unique pretty nose, it adds character to her face. I’m happy she named names, this piece of garbage doesn’t deserve a career in the industry. We can’t enable assholes like this and people like Woody Allen, yet they still have careers and win Oscars.

I have to admit that Kylie Jenner is the first person I think of when I hear “Kylie.”

I mean, most people were Team Kerrigan because Tonya’s people had Nancy’s knees capped.

No, but it’s 2017. So 1939 was 78 years ago. Eminem is fine, but he is nowhere near the king of anything. The idea that no one could stand up to a challenge against Eminem is laughable to anyone who knows anything about hip hop and rap, especially those of us who are actually part of the culture.