
It doesn’t look like most people were demanding an apology. It’s criticism. Welcome to comedy.

a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.

Let’s not chalk this up to mental illness. She is a terrible person, full stop. Being mentally ill doesn’t make you a neo-nazi. Being a neo-nazi makes you a neo-nazi.

I’m an American and I made the reference, so I kind of doubt it.

everyone in this thread is in a time out

I’ll offer this ray of hope. Probably won’t get out of the greys, but it’s worth saying.

I am drunk and my stomach hurts and I just want to yell im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry for the next 4 years

As if his hands could wrap all the way around a baby’s neck.

Because an adult took her there.

I didn’t drink a lot, but I used it like a drug. I would look forward all day to one or two gin and tonics, and then spend the next day obsessing over my excited anticipation of them. It was my mental relationship with alcohol that did me in. Stopped 18 months ago and I have so much room now in my brain. and no

i dont know. honestly the show will be so boring without her but i truly don’t think coming back is good for her or her kids and it makes me feel weird about watching it.

Gibson’s best response would to be gracious just like when the late Sen. Robert Byrd was continually confronted by his KKK past, “I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.”

I really think it depends on your situation. I have a tendency to binge drink — having 10+ drinks in an evening is no big deal for me — but I’ll also go weeks at a time without having any alcohol. I’d say I get really drunk maybe, on average, once every three weeks or so. Is this going to kill me? Maybe. But I hope

I’m a social drinker who can go without booze for days but then overdo it. I hear you on this.

Poor puppy.

Were you one of the people who heard (before this article) of Keeping Up With the Joneses?

I am very pettily glad he was arrested in front of a bunch of people, on Christmas Eve, ‘ruining’ his sister’s wedding. While I do think it’s possible that some families truly do not know about the disgusting, violent things their kids/siblings/parents/cousins do, I find it very difficult to believe that someone who

if that’s what you’re interested in, why are you posting comments on a fashion story on Jezebel?