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    The first possibility I can think of is that they’re looking for night-pattern mammals and are doing thermal imaging to look for activity.   But heck, considering their size maybe they have sky survey cameras attached and they are testing sky observations by moving in a grid at a specific speed. 

    Spooky Action at a Distance is what it is known as. State changes are relatively instantaneous when dealing with individual electrons but you cannot extract useful information at the actual quantum scale. While electrons can be entangld it is impossible to measure the state without changing that state. So we cheat!

    I always feel so depressed when I think about it. The inevitablity of certain things, the fact that after screaming for four literal years that if we don’t do anything we’ll end up in the same place... people are like: “Meh, this is fine.” I have had to end decade-long friendships and tell blood relations to take a

    This is not the first time someone has made a “saber” like this. But it might be the first time its been done with a portable power pack. :)

    Der Führer feels like he’s losing the ball of yarn that the cats in his brain are playing with. 

    Matt, I wish I had your confidence in my fellow American. Unless that last part was sarcasm - which died circa 2016.

    The time for action was 25 years ago.

    I’m not watching any more star wars. Ever. Personal decision. I loved the original star wars. They took it away. And the latest is just mindless money grabbing so “nah” to Disney. I don’t have to give them my money. I’m stating it because people shouldn’t feel like they have to hide their decisions to not support

    Well, closed circuit IP just means that the segments of that network are isolated from the primary segments of the network by a small managed switch. It means that the only connection to my main home network is the video management server which is connected to both networks through a dmz and firewall and then has only

    “There is a lot of bad that comes from leveraging these technologies without understanding the risks involved.”

    There is a lot of bad that comes from leveraging these technologies without understanding the risks involved.” -- I’d like to think this describes the user, sorry if that wasn’t clear.   But that doesn’t mean that the company will have your back either - that’s why I made my next statement.   Some people think their

    I have zero IoT devices.   I also have nothing from Amazon or any other major dealer.    There is a lot of bad that comes from leveraging these technologies without understanding the risks involved.   You cannot trust a corporation to be invested in your safety or security for only a few bucks a month.   In fact, you

    Excellent work.  I really appreciated it.  :)  

    It takes 2 full minutes to neutralize the systems involved when the appropriate “optional” controls are not in place because you have to dig through the flight director and computer to input a series of esoteric commands, and that’s assuming you understand what the plane is doing to you immediately. By then the

    In general, even with those organizations that might be otherwise disposed to serving the general welfare, there is a political stake if they are dependent on federal money for their research. At the very least, their grant money depends on them being at least conscious of the political ramifications.

    Well. You’re getting third tier silicon on Ryzen and Threadripper (at least what has been released). The best shit will go to the supercomputers and the next best stuff to most of the epyc line and maybe the 3990WX. Tier 4/5, which is the step below, is literally the bottom of the barrel for Zen2 7nm. And the tier 3


    Comcast can vanish from earth forever and we’d be better off for it.  But ET can stay.  

    Sharp angles and flat panels are indeed horrible for pressurization. The best design is a sphere which evenly distributes all forces and maximizes structural strength. Don’t get me wrong, its a very minimalist-industrial design that at least plays some glancing respect to the concept of aerodynamics.

    The problem is people do not want to focus on climate change because it demands a personal response from the individual. You need to change something about how you live your life if you acknowledge the problem because to do less will cause you to lose face to your peers who do choose to make adjustments.