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    Ah, DJT, Herr Asshat, he’s still the greatest person ever in his own mind.   And yes, the DNC fucked the pooch with their “app” but y’know, both Bernie and Pete had more votes than 45 accumulated... each.   And even Joe “Strom Thumond called me ‘son’” Biden got more than the greasy pork chop mold got. 

    Yet another year that I have bought nothing from Amazon.  :)   Having never bought from them in my life, I will at least be able to point and laugh when the inevitable happens.  

    Not to mention 45 has likely hamstrung the CDC’s capacities like he has every other federally related organization that helps *people* instead of businesses. 

    Well, the scientific method has always been a way to eliminate human bias from our work. Its why an engineer can build something that *works* and not have it be “science” while a scientist can build something that doesn’t work and have that be “science”. Colleagues will confirm or refute a scientist’s findings by

    You might be a bit confused when the entertainment system comes on instead of the replicator. Barclay, after all, made some contributions to the trek’s holo-entertainment systems...  You have to be clear when giving federation computers instructions.   You never know what you might get otherwise. 

    But if the laws and executive actions of the government itself enable that threat, then is there not an obligation to *at least* address that component of it? Or are you challenging that the systems that enable global warming are not at least partially managed by the government in order to protect Americans by

    Its been a long standing messaging plan of the GOP.    At this point you might as well spit into a F5 Tornado.  

    Good stories are hard to come by in this world right now.  Thank you.

    Well, what do you expect from a mega-corp monopoly?  What do you do when the mouse doesn’t need to compete with anyone?   Like, why spend money to make good movies when you’re the only studio in town.   

    Don’t worry, when he re-ignites the caldera of Olympus Mons to have a proper Volcano Supervillain lair (and resort with tiki bar), you’ll be happy when you’ve loaded 16 tons of ore for your daily ration of air...

    It is what it is. But I’d rather say the people promoting anti-climate change and the companies backing it are the actual sociopaths. Ultimately, though, you know solving the problem is moot: there is no way to do so at this time. Actions needed to be taken over 20 years ago to not be onerous to the masses.

    I may not be a lawyer, but if my right to life is threatened and the government tells me that there is nothing legally that can be done to prevent that threat or at the very least *prevent* the executive and legislative branches from taking actions and creating laws that facilitate that situation, then that throws

    At this point the people who deny climate change aren’t denying it because they don’t believe in it - they’re denying it because they’re secretly pleased that its going to kill millions of people.” - That is me saying there’s a bunch of racist people denying climate change.

    At this point the people who deny climate change aren’t denying it because they don’t believe in it - they’re denying it because they’re secretly pleased that its going to kill millions of people. There will be a reckoning for that. But it should apply not just to those who openly embrace ignoring the truth - it

    No Problem! Always willing to help those who get stuck on the simple stuff and don’t read the fine print. :)

    It is so very easy to dehumanize people. Americans are especially good at it as capitalists: they tend to sort things into economic hierarchies. And at the lowest levels of that hierarchy, people are rarely considered as humans anyway. So, when we inject an AI into this analysis... well...

    Well, Der Führer Fünfundvierzig has been looking for a war to stick Uncle Sam’s dick into for most of his presidency.   Looks like he finally gave up trying to twitter one into existence and just decided to commit an act of war.   I mourn for the innocent lives that will be lost in the region.... and quite possibly

    They are addicted to their company’s own product. They can stop any time they want, of course (like so many addicts, right?) but they just don’t want to.

    The moldy turnip is anti-regulation when the regulation prevents him from personally profiting. The dork lard is just a greedy asshat. But considering the administration is just saying the quiet parts out loud now (ie. the death of euphemism) I really doubt we’d see anything that lessens pollution in poverty stricken

    I’m almost there. Commenting means I’m not - but buck it. Sometimes you just have to vent. I’m sorry if you enjoy the latest iterations - its just not for me any more. I refuse to give Disney any more of my money. Even if the lego stuff is cool, i just can’t justify it.  When disney owns all the media, I’ll just log