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    For some people...if you can’t be the absolute best, you might as well not even try. Of course, in this one instance, the machine has enough information to be nearly perfect at the game and anyone who plays it is going to find themselves lacking unless they have an equal devotion and focus to the game. (which is

    Nah. The truck is simple because it has to be simple. Because it needs to be less expensive. Because the body is structural. All this makes it cheaper. Its a prototype of how they’re going to build a moon/mars rover, or rather a test of how to use Stainless steel to do so. And none of their existing vehicle lines

    It has to be tooled for production.   They couldn’t build a truck off their current line of bodies. 

    The 3950X is a limited edition chip. Very limited. In fact, its likely sold out by now. But more importantly they were forced to delay it. And the reason for that is that every fully functional 8 core Zen 2 chiplet (die) is worth a bunch more money in a DC. I can say with confidence that you are not seeing the

    If you continued to publish 45's tweets, you’d need a hundred scroll-wheel spins to get half-way through the deluge pure shit he is able to generate.

    Actually, Intel hasn’t been able to deliver anything reliably except very old 14nm process parts. And almost all that is heading to the data center which means its overpriced. And even then, they can’t meet demand. Otherwise AMD would still have zero percent market share overall in the DC because if intel had enough

    Yeah, MacOS has zero problems running on zen based compute. And evidently with the latest M5500 in the 16" MBP we now have support for RDNA (Navi) so... the reasons to buy an overpriced nVidia monstrosity are going to be pretty nill. All the hackintoshes are going to be low-cost Ryzen 9 builds that will basically

    And it was going to happen no matter what. I just hope that when zen2 comes to mobile AMD’s partners won’t cripple it by using ultra-slow ram and soldiering in a single DIMM’s worth in order to make sure the APU can’t take advantage of faster ram to increase IPC.

    Facebook can go suck a hydrazine rocket engine at full blast. 

    Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. 

    I just hope I can get my hands on an index when its ready.  

    Bye shep.  I’ll miss your deals.  :)  Good luck!

    Bye shep.  I’ll miss your deals.  :)  Good luck!

    As another commenter pointed out, the gaps are part of the system to allow the mechanical stresses to be relieved and therefore the entire structure to remain more resistant. Although it might be possible to use a polymerized metal once material sciences catch up to theory to produce a more heat resistant

    I expect nothing from most politicians on this subject this until well after their more intransigent predecessor’s heads have been separated from their necks.

    To all of you, so much thanks and so much respect for all you did.  What was done was an injustice.   Let us hope it is remembered for what it gave to all of us while it was here. 

    As far as I know, they’re still trying to get the print-master of the original theatrical release of Star Wars in the national archives replaced with the special edition and destroyed. So until they remaster “Star Wars” as it originally was but regraded and scanned for 4k, I’ll hold off thanks.

    But, as we know, laws rarely stay within their bounds when people are not vigilant enough to challenge the rules when they exceed their definitions.

    That works.  It is 100% better.  Still not going to see it but hey.  Hopefully they paid the animators appropriately for the insane crunch they would have to do. 

    That law got me too. While Poland did not exist as an independent entity, there were Polish people that willingly assisted the Germans and also willingly turned in their own countrymen and any Jews hiding in their areas to be sent to camps. The camps were geographically located in areas of modern-day Poland. And

    I wonder if he gets one “get out of death and dismemberment free” card for that opinion? Or if that was just part of the base price for Saudi investment?