I felt a special kind of dirty voting for HRC. I’d do it again in a heartbeat considering what the alternative was. She’s a pristine example of progressive humanity compared to DJT. And that says more about DJT than it does about her.
I felt a special kind of dirty voting for HRC. I’d do it again in a heartbeat considering what the alternative was. She’s a pristine example of progressive humanity compared to DJT. And that says more about DJT than it does about her.
Luckily you qualified that otherwise we’d end up with someone like Sarah Palin. And I agree, time for Warren to be president.
Sadly our culture believes in rewarding people to the level of their incompetence if they have the illusion of sufficient funds.
Every time I see that photo I just see Lucifer’s least-liked offspring and voted most likely to “fail at everything”.
It allows them to be openly racist, bigoted, xenophobic, and misogynistic. He’s the father that lets the kids do whatever they want and encourages them to make shit bad for their siblings because he hates his wife and is gaslighting her to put her in her place. Meanwhile he’s screwing his new secretary, and hiring…
I’m not ideal. If I were 20 lbs lighter, the gout probably wouldn’t be a problem. I also need to remember to stay hydrated. I’m dealing with it through diet and only occasionally taking ibuprofen. I also need to remember to keep my vitamin C up. It helps reduce skin related issues, I find. When I don’t eat enough…
Thing I hate is beard-like hair growing out of my ears. Skin discoloration is understandable of course - and my mother’s side of the family has issues with varicose veins. I’ve been keeping my weight down - or trying at least - and trying to keep my exercise up. Fortunately type II isn’t common among either side of my…
I’ll believe it when I see it. If a MAGA chud stuck with donnie dirigible this long they’re burning up with his ship when it detonates. When we were going through this back in 2016... I know I and several others pointed out the psychology of incremental commitment that 45 was using to manipulate his followers. He’s…
there’s going to be tons of cryogenic methalox fun in that rocket. Literally.
It looks like he has the start of clubbed fingers. And the difference in color between his face and hand suggests Perpherial Artery Disease. Mr. Tiny Hands may have cancer.
Once DJT finally shuffles off this mortal coil I plan on resurrecting him. And placing him in a virtual reality filled with people who do not know who he is, and further more do not care. More importantly they will never acknowledge him or his name. He will be ignored and left listless and adrift in a world that could…
When Richard Nixon took office at the end of the 1960's a plan had already been formed by the Republicans - who were mostly Klan-democrats who decided to join up and move the Republicans to the right. The question was how to put minorities and liberals “back into their place.” The war on drugs began to take shape…
I’d like to believe that the democrats are above such things - but its also important to remember that the Democrats were solidly on the side of the South in the Civil War. Things change, sure: they get better and worse. And loyalty to a party does not mean that party will always represent your values. In other…
Treason has been committed. I think some R’s may have just enough brain cells to know that, depending on the level of treason, why yes: they still do execute people for it.
I will point out that 45's collective approval rating is about par with Obama and ahead of clinton’s and even Reagan’s at this point in their respective tenures. Source: 538's poll aggregator.
In a company that fairly compensates its workers I have NEVER seen that happen. The only reason turn-over is what it is now is because in the 1980's companies started treating employees like dog-shit and its gotten worse since. Before that it was *expected* that a worker would find a position and stay there throughout…
Oh say can you see the orange idiot o’er there!
How proudly he flails, in the rage of his dark stare.
Whose broad cheeks and adipose, folds of flesh abound
He’s due for a stroke, but somehow he’s still around
I think Bernie will see this as the sign to yield to Warren. He can do more good backing her up in the Senate or even as a Vice President. The important thing is that his progressive polices and his amazing Wealth Tax proposals get put through.
We’ve been warning, saying what was going to happen, and taking every action and word necessary to speak up against this administration and the people 45 was collecting in it. Its not enough. The Anti-fascists in Italy and Germany weren’t enough... and we won’t be either. But when we die fighting this, at least we’ll…
1.6 billion +/- 0.4 billion - That’s how many people are going to die due to climate change by the end of the century. There’s no way to drag that number down to zero at this point. But it can easily climb by a few hundred million.