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    Trump was apparently “happiest” with Nielsen when U.S. border agents fired tear gas into Mexico as people tried to cross the border. “Mr. Trump loved it,” the Times reported.

    I think you shredded this, there’s no topping it.   Congratulations.  

    45 is a very bright burning fire. And these narcissists want to be in the light, no matter how unflattering that light might be or how much the fire might burn them. Does anyone think Rudy Giuliani would have been even remotely as listened to or recognized as he is right now while writhing under 45's ample adipose? Als

    People like 45 tend to attract people exactly like themselves. But they’re almost all narcissists of some degree, in addition to whatever other sociopathic or psychological malady they have. Narcissists don’t share a spotlight with people who are *equal or less* than they are. So they’re vicious and cruel to their...

    Tons of businesses have left the United States already, even without progressive regulation. The environment is more competitive than ever.

    If that were true the United States wouldn’t have risen to prominance during post WWII era... because no time in US history was corporate and business regulation higher, the essential rights of the Labor movement more recognized by government and business, and wealth distribution was never more equal than during that

    For this I’m voting Warren in the Primary. And if the Bernie Bros don’t want someone in the same ballpark as their hero: then fuck them sideways - they can go for 4 more years with the senile ass-tartar in office.

    You are assuming that this is deterioration. You are assuming he wasn’t like this to begin with. You’re also assuming that he doesn’t know what he’s doing and that this is not just some facade (yes, even I doubt that could be true, but until he’s gone we can’t discount that this is an intentional plan as inane and

    Dealing with bullies is the most tiring thing I’ve had to deal with in my life. There are so many of them and they are so pathetic. The only ones that ever proved to be a problem were the psychotic ones that have identity dysphoria - not exactly bi-polar, but extreme mood swings that you don’t know if they’re going to

    What I’m more concerned about is that either people won’t care, or they’ll actively embrace a dictatorship.  They want a “strong man” to lead them.   I have no idea where 45 might look strong, but assuming a spherical chicken for the sake of argument - if this did come to pass the amount of work necessary to fix

    No, it means that the institutions that 45 has access to have been so weakened by his inept bullshit choices to lead them that they can’t provide him the information he needs to disembowel his enemies - at least in the terms of the republican-centric services.  Things like the CIA, FBI, and others he’s shat upon

    Well... it won’t be long now. Its the end game after all. Either shit will fall apart for the other side, or they’ll make whatever stumbling move they’re going to make. And then the consequences come. And then there’s the choice once its all done: do we forget and forgive, or do we do what must be done to make sure it

    It was nonsense to us. But it obviously meant something to him. The question is what did those who command the country think of his words and did they have some clearance or meaning that they interpreted for their plans for the future. He made “A CALL” after all. Maybe he said “You’re fired!” or maybe... he said

    Yet here he stands, in the oval office, confused, walking around like your elder family member who has lost their faculties.

    Then they’ll say they’re C-SPAN and he’ll be there with all the juice flowing out.  

    Especially in the “The South will Rise Again!(TM)” mindset.   Those asshats have been waiting for another civil war since the 1860s.  

    I have family that would literally kill me if I badmouthed “their President” in a way that would identify me to them as having done so. You are underestimating the extremism already present in the Christian Right and capacity of 45's supporters (Like “pastor” Robert Jefferies) to motivate their base to extremism.

    You do realize this is literally one of the signs of a Dictator taking power right? Making comments about stringing up detractors and dissidents to silence criticism?  He’s going to eventually give the order, and then we’ll be in a civil war.  

    It depends. Humans have adapted to a lot of things - famine is one of them. Another is plenty - yes, humans have to adapt to our modern society where food is fairly plentiful and convenient. Our moldy turnip is an example of that adaptation - he’s a mutant, like most of us who can drink milk as adults are. He has

    Israel needs to vaporize itself before their “Rapture” can unleash. That’s why the Evangelicals keep on funding settlements in the Palestinian lands. Logic, amirite?