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    If a centrist or right-wing wonk or 45 manage to win... you might as well just leave the flag in the burning dumpster.  Because the next step is death for us, no matter how hard we fight.   But if we’re going to go, might as well make them pay for every drop.   And who knows, maybe we can work our way to the tyrants

    Soon. Soon the algorithms will decide. And you will become your fate.

    I think that’s the point of it. These corporations and their owners aren’t gathering money for any real purpose other than to control people. Considering a vast swath of the people in charge of such corporations are sociopaths... its entertainment to them to watch people suffer and starve.

    An antimatter warhead would be the most expensive boom ever. It would take decades of using the world’s best particle accelerators (like all the particle accelerators) to gather a few grams of antiprotons and positrons (anti-hydrogen) and storing it would require a city-sized power grid with multiple redundant

    Only if he fractures his penis too. Although I will settle for an infestation of Australian bullet ants and Japanese Giant Hornets in his crotch.

    So long as one person who works hard at their employment yet cannot earn enough to support themselves or their family, then there should be no billionaires.   For their profits are earned on the bones and dust of the innocent people they crush beneath their heel.  

    I used to post stuff to IO9's Concept Art Writing Prompts back in the day when IO9 was its own thing before the Gawker decimation. Every once in a while, I feel inspired and share. Sometimes its good to give something without strings attached or expectation of return. :)

    Its usually the locals that are involved in the negotiations. And what the company is asking for is unreasonable considering the economic environment and their own profits. That shouldn’t have an affect on contract negotiations unless the Executive is interfering with the negotiations directly, in which case the Union

    I thought they traced some of the worst cases back to vaporizing Vitamin E acetate... which vaporizes at 455 degrees F? Its basically like sticking your head into an oven to huff the steam from a browning pot roast.

    That’s because of a punishment mindset and Nixon’s idea and Reagan’s amplification of that idea of incarcerating anyone who is associated with drugs in order to deprive them of their rights. Application of standards are unequal across socioeconomic ranges, and often the same traits that prevent addiction are also

    I want to see the steelers win zero games this year, and for Ben to get both hands crushed to bloody bone bits and fine powder.  Beyond that, the NFL can burn in hell.   :)  

    To be honest, I have no respect for Biden either. He’s made decisions that are reprehensible. I’d vote for him because he’s better than 45. But if 45 or someone worse like Pence wasn’t the alternative, I’d be hard pressed to put a checkbox next to him. I certainly wouldn’t give my vote to any modern republican, but I

    This seems like a thumb-issue + autocorrect, not a spelling issue.

    The pee tape is literally #114 on the list of “Bad Things”(tm) done by this Administration. 

    Mussolini didn’t invent the term. :) He stole the symbol and corrupted its ideal. If I recall my history correctly, Fascism was forged from the Roman Fascia - or bundle of sticks wrapped around a small axe-like weapon, the symbol of the Roman Judiciary. There was the Roman Senate, which created the laws, the Consul

    So long as there is one person with billions of dollars (and the wealth represented by that) it should be a crime when a person who holds several jobs cannot feed themselves or their family with the efforts of their labor.   Universal Healthcare, Universal Education, and Universal Basic Income are necessities in the

    But it is not a zombie beetle - it is an animated beetle skin. It is a spirit that uses the husk as its interface with the real world. And would you really notice or care if your soul was stolen? Would you really? Your soul might, of course, as it is consumed by whatever inhabits that husk. But that would hardly

    Joe isn’t right for the Presidency and he has that “Heir Apparent” feel about him the same as Hillary, meaning he’s the centrist’s great white hope. If they twist the wheels of democracy again to make him the person on the line? Then we will have to destroy the DNC on basic principal and reforge it. Would I still vote

    There’s one master of that kind of multiplayer pacing, and that’s Doom. Run, kill, die, spawn, rinse and repeat. Everything else is just a sad copy.

    Then you have to give that child the resources for that life. If you want to stop abortions, then you have to give the mother and child the resources necessary to offset the losses imposed by having another life to care for. If you refuse to do that, you are simply creating a situation where the child and mother will