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    At this point I’m willing to take anyone willing to boldly critique a person especially when the critique is valid. Nobody dared take 45 to account at the same level, and look what that got us. Uncle Joe is not a good person - then again, presidents seldom are. But if he’s feeble, that makes him a danger.  We have

    I’ve seen the world destroyed a billion, trillion, trillion ways. In fire, in ice, in billions of years... or in a matter of days. Every moment is filled with the potential of life and death at every step. A choice that is made as easy as right or left. When I close my eyes a hear a billion-billion, trillion, trillion

    I love how the right pretends to have morals when they discard the mother and child after forcing the latter to be brought into existence against the wishes of the former. Women incarcerated and criminalized when they have a miscarrage, as an example.

    I suppose the stage smells of Ben Gay.  

    Because being willing to give him a hearty Sieg-Heil is a requirement to be in his most glorious presence.

    Of course... these are the people who are often shown the silver chair and golden parachute for their grace and wisdom when being selected for CEO or Board Member. 

    Its a sad world we live in when people do not understand the nature of wealth and money.

    You’re kidding right? Boy Gorge used to keep his figure by consuming truckloads of amphetamines.   And he did drink quite a bit. 

    Nah. Absolutely nothing 45 does is actually embarrassing to the Republicans. They *love* him and adore him. They would name him president for life if they could. They actually agree with him and believe in the same shit he does. And if you refuse to believe that, then you probably also refuse to believe that every

    People who were born on that day are now legal adults. For 18 years, we’ve been shitting and pissing on the liberty and freedom of Americans in the name of that one event. And for over 200 years, we’ve been paying lip-service to that freedom and liberty without actually adhering to the spirit of the words that should

    You are somewhat misinterpreting what I said. So in order to understand the Mars reference you have to understand the perchlorate problem and the massive issues if life ever did exist on Mars - especially if traces of chemicals and proteins remain. Mars is a lethal place because of its environment and it contains

    At least 25% of the Democratic politicians are complicit with 45's actions, and another 25% of them don’t necessarily disagree with much of what he’s doing. That means 50% of the politicians in the Democratic party are conservative enough to not mind 45. Impeaching 45 would be the same as impeaching themselves. So

    At this point guillotines are looking mighty fine for our “rich” friends.   I mean, they should understand that in these troubled times and economic uncertainty certain cuts must be made.   After all, we are just selling them short... er.... by a head. 

    A politician can say anything.  It is their actions, however, by which one should judge their intent.   In all cases.  

    This is possibly the next resignation he’ll receive:

    Because 45 only takes it one way.   Long.  

    I am afraid you are incorrect. The democrats can’t even find their penis even after stepping on it so much. I say this as a democrat. :/ I highly doubt they could leverage this, or anything else the orange canker on the butt of America has done.

    There is a very important thing people also need to remember: if the management of your “progressive” organization fucks over its own workers then THAT is what that organization represents: fucking over workers. If it seeks money and profit then that is what it will do: it will seek money and profit at the cost of all

    The earth has about 800 million to 1.2 billion years of “life” left to it, roughly speaking. So long term, yes... there will be life and plenty of it no matter what we do. However, it is also important to note that just because the earth is hospitable to humanity right now, a human transplanted from today to just 100

    I love the taste of the impossible burger.   And I’m a meat eater through-and-through.