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    Just so you know, this isn’t directed to you - I recognize the sarcasm. For those that don’t and wonder why we don’t use nukes against these things beyond the horror of a radioactive spinning cloud that would barf denatured particles everywhere it touches: This thing lets off a megaton of energy every second. There is

    Every Republican at every level: vote them out. All of them. Vote them out using the only direct voice the people have.  Vote every single one out.  If you don’t then you get EXACTLY what you deserve.  And if you actively support these shit-assed cheese-dicks then you deserve to never hold public office as well in any

    There was a rally somewhere in the south where fuck-chop’s people had the crowd do a sieg-heil. I saw a few pictures of the smile and twinkle in his eye when this happened. This was probably a revelation to him: he had people willing to heil-hitler him as their leader. The fuck knows he has a fanatical army. And like

    Or doesn’t care about the consequences only that he’s trashed shit as much as he can. Its not like he cares what happens to those around him. Beware the words: “I’m the best, there’s nobody better than me, and I deserve to be president for life because everyone loves me.” These are words that are in his vocabulary and

    I will never understand why people keep weapons around whose sole purpose is to kill lots of other people who are mostly unarmed.  Because none of these idiots would last a second against any sort of trained fire team from a standing army. 

    This is cult-level bullshit. I am getting off this rock because there’s no helping or redeeming these fucks.  #darkesttimeline #newspeak #leavethembehind

    I know. But this administration doesn’t even pretend - they are literally flooding the nation with fear and death. And if Bernie were in charge, the Universal Healthcare, Universal Education and potentially a Universal Basic Income would go a long way to giving us the foothold we need to reduce the number of weapons

    One of these days the right thing will be done.   Right now, though, the only answer this administration has is “Moar Gunz”

    In some ways. These black projects are usually controlled by the politicians with access to the purse strings. They may not know exactly what is being done, with the nature of secrecy that swirls around these things, but they control the money, and the money can get cut off if something will cause an oversight

    Active black projects would likely not be revealed to the President of the United States by competent individuals no matter how trustworthy as the President is a high priority target and would not have interrogation resistance necessary to the task of keeping those things secret. Existing capability intelligence

    I am curious.... would those pools not just attract large snakes and gators? It seems to me to be a problem. I wouldn’t trust any pool in Florida unless it was 10ft off the ground and surrounded by concrete and steel barriers tall enough to keep those things out.

    Thing I’ve gotten on this comment (and others like it) was “Do you know (such and such) is Jewish?” Sometimes I want to respond: Assholes are assholes - everyone has one but only a few people let it consume them to the point they ARE one to the core of their being. Being a member of a group does not automatically make

    Nah: these asshats are not kidding you. They wouldn’t know how to make a joke if they were whacked with a clue-by-four a billion times. So they’re dead serious. Calling them out for their crap is, in their minds, as bad as being persecuted for a religious background or just being who you are. Not that they recognize

    The only thing I hate is that AOC’s comments are full of racist nazi fucks trying to get at her. That makes me very angry. Very angry indeed. Now where did I put that Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator?

    They’re doing better than most of the people I went to school with decades ago. 

    I’ll be there fighting.

    Well, there are always guillotines.

    Loyalists are... terrifying when discussing the presidency. But then again, fuck anyone that supports this administration in any way. Including the all the Republicans and centrists that continually suckle up to 45's adipose covered cheezewiz encrusted nanodick.

    I will remind everyone here that forgiveness is something we do when we no longer wish to carry the burden of the wrongs done onto us. When we want to let go of the pain and the hurt that has been inflicted upon us, then we forgive and move on.

    Forgiveness is something we do to heal ourselves when we tire of holding the burdens of pain that have been caused by others upon us. But forgiving does not mean ever forgetting. And if those that cause us harm refuse to see the wrong that they’ve done, they do not need to know they are “forgiven” - forgiveness is for