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    Innocent or guilty doesn’t matter to this Administration - even knowing most of these people will die doesn’t matter. Heck, they keep children in conditions that will kill them because they’re a making a statement that this country belongs to “them” and nobody else. This is what the Republican base wants to happen.

    I see the world has decided to employ tactical stupidity as a means of mutually assured destruction.  How quaint. 

    It’s just another step in the process for these assclowns. Just another step in the process that ends with shallow mass graves, incinerators, and cyanide showers. Its hyperbole until it happens of course. And we all know it can’t happen here, right? At least not to the people that ‘matter’.  

    I think the problem with Biden is that if 45 were to refuse to vacate the presidency he’d just knock on the door a few times, get no answer... and then slink back to his campaign office to think about where it all went wrong and why he couldn’t just be his racist self like DJT is.

    Eventually he’ll stop taking the passive murder route and just order the army to go in and shoot everyone. Hopefully the army’s soldiers would disobey a clearly illegal and insane order, but there’s a lot of assholes in this country that would consider it.   And 45 has been busy making sure they’re in positions of

    If there’s one thing I’m convinced of? We will never solve the problem while we are bound to the earth. The only way this problem gets solved is if the rational people take their ball... and walk away.  We got to start over elsewhere and leave these idiots behind.   Let their fate be theirs alone. 

    The final unavoidable truth about fossil fuels extracted from sequestration is that they are a non-renewable resource. Once consumed they cannot be restored. This is important as the consumption of the resource such that it cannot be restored after that consumption is a cornerstone of wealth-profit in the fossil fuel

    Given the penchant for personal enrichment of asshats in Brazil, I doubt that would cover the expense of even a single “properly” constructed water feature on Bolsanaro’s new mansion made from the skulls of dead indigenous people.

    This won’t have a good ending.  At least, not for the innocent.   

    Football is a sport for which I will shed no tears when its inevitable end comes around.

    If only the Orange Asshat had gone into acting. Then he’d be a beloved leader like Ronald Reagan. And all of his faults would be well hidden behind a facade of character. And the average white American would be able to *pretend* that he was just another in a long line of very good republican presidents who were worthy

    A turd by any other name does not smell like the Drumpfster Pfire. Lets remember, he will still vote for the Orange Blunder if he doesn’t win the primary.   And lets not forget, he’s also not that much different from Uncle Joe. #ImGettingOffThisRock2020

    As the U.S. government continues to escalate its draconian, racist, and xenophobic immigration policies (sorry, we’re not really in a mood to mince words about this shit today)...

    He’s actually not assigning the proper resources. He’s throwing young military soldiers at a fire. Which will result in quite a bit of zigging when one should zag. Without the proper training, he could be killing thousands of people. Of course, that’s assuming that is their actual instruction. He could send them in to

    I can see no peaceful solution to the current problems that does not involve starting over elsewhere from a blank slate and a very strict policy of high-education and socialism. This is why I’m so often advocating building off-world colonies... (Orbital structures, not planetary bases) the people who can support

    He’s intentionally tanking the stock market.  Fucker is manipulating the stock prices and is probably making millions from the fall out. 

    Its at times like this that I am hoping we eventually get to the point where we can recover the dead through some quirk of temporal mechanics and drop them into VR simulations. Some people deserve to experience an eternity of what they dished out.

    This is so apple that it isn’t even funny. 

    Capitalists who like being fluffed and fleeced in order to confirm their false beliefs.

    At this point I am fully expecting gassing and cremation to become a part of the pattern and would not be surprised for DJT to declare the election “off permanently” and then to round up every Democrat and their immediate family in the country to be “dealt with.”.