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    “Sarah Sue May wasn’t quite as white as her sister, Sally May Sue, so they done killed her good. Beside: Sally May Sue was a lawyer, and them people is rich n’ dangerous n’ all.” <- average white supremacist when they run out of people to properly oppress, threaten and kill Nobody is white enough. 

    Well it’s rare to talk to someone who is willing to ask those questions. Yes. We should have UBI. And the problem of discussing this in an open forum is that we live in some sort of pseudo-capitalistic society where people can’t even begin to have this conversation without references to their personal labors and how

    You know The Dork Lard Nanodick can only feel a bit hard if he accidentally swallows a chicken bone from KFC - otherwise it feels like a mosquito bite on the folds of flaccid flab that overrun his slimy crotch. As for your point... *shrug* I don’t think he cares. If there’s brown people he can fuck them. If there’s

    Your definition of insane is not entirely coherent. And in certain cases, such as Bill Cosby, their actions influence the ability to enjoy their art. For example, there were several historical monsters whose art actually was passable enough the average person might place it above a toilet in their home or on a random

    Interesting concept. A cooperative rental company where the labor force being displaced is then invested in a cooperative that rents out the machines to the businesses replacing labor then the displaced workforce is retrained in the appropriate jobs for working in the new environment- in order to supervise, maintain

    I wish I could argue that with you.  Both in this version and in your clarification.  

    I agree 100 percent. The hardest thing to convince normal working-class democrats of is that a “rich” democrat, while better than the festering slimemold in the oval office right now, is hardly going to help them regain their footing in a society ever more seperated into the “haves” and “have-nots”. And as Automation

    I’m heavily investing in asteroid mining. My gift to 45 will be to return a 150 ton refined solid platinum sphere via orbital drop on his head as soon as he is sufficiently clear of civilization. Can’t stop the bling.  

    Can’t fault a soul when they have zero choice. But when a decent choice presents itself and you can take the moral option at little additional cost (or even a slightly better outcome) then you should definitely be listening to your conscience. I chose to never eat at Chick-fil-a because they literally were

    Would you please stop understating how batshit crazy the Republican party is? You must speak in Fwirfpian Fantlax vocabulary with an extra three pairs of lab-grown vocal cords to pronounce it correctly, but it is the only language that comes close to describing them properly.  

    The eyes of the ranger are upon you.

    Centrists lean in the direction of power. Personally, I can’t ever see pandering to them because it literally will not sway them. The only way to gain the centrist vote is to make them believe you got enough support on your side to win without them. Its counterintuitive but in order to gain the centrist vote you

    And really, voting for the Democrat is the absolute easiest thing we can do to get rid of these assholes. Its one day out of the year, and if all of us show up we can get rid of almost the entire republican party from the local school board to the president of the United States of America. Granted, impeaching all of

    I like to think of it as fan fiction written by bullies and trolls, but it is really the same thing.

    Well... of course!  I was conjuring the prototypical sky-god-creator myth in something resembling a “just god”.  I wasn’t even remotely implying that the evangelical god could possibly exist... or any god for that matter. 

    That too. Of course, I fully expect the G/O owners are going to dump all our comments and any PII they can into the Drumpfster Pfire so that they can partake in the new world order as favored receptacles of his piss and shit and maybe get a bit of that republican money for themselves.  The future will be what it will

    I honestly thought that he was starting to look like Parallax from Green Lantern.

    At this point there is no ambiguity, no question: You either support fascism and the fucking nazi administration or you want to get rid of it whatever it takes. You don’t get to stand in some middle ground. They’ve drawn the lines pretty clearly, and we need to get rid of these fucks out of office and make sure none

    I think if there is a just god that she would have just signed the forms condemning 45 to hell back in the 80's when he was making his name as a slumlord - I don’t think he’d get close enough to the gates to be judged before Lucifer’s pups’ were on him. Something tells me 45's supporters probably know if any of the

    These are the people who have been told that they are being taken advantage of and discriminated against - who believe those who tell them that people of a different color are there to take their jobs and destroy them. They are told: “Your lack of success is because of these other people, not you!” These are the