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    My DJT barf his own liver out. 

    We’re not entitled to have a good guy stand up for us. We need to actually die by the millions before that happens.

    People who exist purely to spew hate and condone violence against people simply for being a different color, religion, gender or orientation deserve to be turned against by the population. Their hate speech may be “permitted” by the laws of the land (and I do not argue that they should not have their first amendment

    Challenging and standing up to those who vomit hate and vitriol against others is simply the correct path if you want to live in a better world. The rights of speech in this nation may not make your hateful words illegal, but allowing it to go unchallenged is something decent human beings cannot allow. Not because we

    I love the writing in this piece.  Its one of the reasons I stick around.  Thank you.

    I’ve always been hyper aware of this. Emotional abuse was always so common when I was growing up. And I’m an empathic soul - I can’t stand to see the people I like or love in pain. And when dealing with people who have been traumatized like that, I’ve learned that they can’t always see it. I always try to be super

    I guess you never know what you can do until you take it as high as you can go.  *shrug*

    *sigh* As a person from Western PA.... I will say that the Steelers have caused me to hate professional sports. And after digging into it, I’m perfectly fine with that outcome. The systemic abuse and general horror of the multibillion dollar system make me happy I no longer care except to say how much I don’t care

    Certainly is mythos because there ain’t a whole lot of reality in there. This feels like an advert for “The Church of the Conservative Mindset, brought to you by: Apple... Nintendo...Facebook...Pintrest... The US Army: be all you can be... McDonald Douglas, Archer Daniels Midland Corporation, and generous patrons such

    If you own a private plane, have a short-ish trip, why *wouldn’t* you take your dog with you? People take their dogs places via car all the time. A small plane is a flying car that can only stop at certain places unless its built for the bush - in which case the plane can go wherever it wants under VFR as long as it

    Its getting to that point where only revolution can change things. As JFK said: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” Unfortunately JFK failed to correctly identify his admonishment to “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”

    The prison system killed Epstein. He committed suicide. Whether that was by his choice or not, the fact remains that suicide is the number one way people die in jail, and it is a direct result of the horrible penal system. It was like this before Epstein went in, and if we allow conspiracy theories to manipulate the

    The faithful have *always* wanted special privileges. But its the clergy that have always taken advantage of all their exceptions in extremis.

    I could probably make a fortune off his listeners with my self-help book: “’How to Become a Millionaire’ and other books you bought because they made you feel good about your lack of humanity.”

    Unlikely. It would not make him as much money since he has no other qualities that he can profit from. Objectivists tend to fit a certain mold.

    A conspiracy theory means that an extraordinary circumstance took out this one individual - and therefore nothing need be done for the rest of the penal system because this is a “one-off”. People REALLY don’t want to address the fact that the condition of the system is such that most suicides aren’t even reported,

    He does feel like Beta O’Rourke, and needs a few years in the house and/or senate to properly bake until completion.

    There is limited chance of this actually hurting the orange bastard anyway. This kind of instability generally benefits large corporations and businesses and enables them to hold labor hostage while driving smaller competition out of business. Anyone with an iota of sense saw this coming a mile away the moment 45

    He could have been Head and Shoulders above the rest, but he’s just flaking off right now that the tide has turned.  

    The America I knew and loved was fatally wounded on 9/11 - and months later started falling down when the people began surrendering their liberty and freedom for the illusion of security and protection. The Patriot Act, Department of Homeland Security... all these things symbols of the decay and death of liberty and