
The sign should've just read 'gotcha', 'jinx' or 'psyche'… Just any late 90's-early 00's buzzword.

You can't say you can offer a better deal when you don't know what the other deal entails. It's Richards Algorithm for as far as he knows so until he figures out what amount of money is offered for what bandwidth he won't be able to do that.

That can IMO also be seen in the clothing of the harpies. Everyone has the golden mask but roughly half of them wear common clothing; cloth bands and bare chests versus the bright robes of the masters.

Yeah I think working through the Winterfell stuff this season would mean cutting way too much material out, and I really hope we get some sort of fat lords with giant whiskers there.

Both. The confusion was real.

What I was wondering is when the brainwashing of Kara was lifted, why she didn't go back to shield. Is her loyalty to ward so much bigger than working for the good guys?

Also, Skye is scared out of her mind because she is surrounded by people who can clearly tell if she is lying or action unusual (or acting scared, which scares her even more). Sure Bennett might not be a Daniel Day Lewis in that regard but a bit of active empathy from the viewer will make her blank faces and 'acting'

"…So models CAN be superheroes… interesting…"

They did have me fearing for his life though. The plot armor in this show is so extremely thin that I really believed they were gonna kill them off, especially when Abby shared valuable information. What didn't help is that the show's cast is no longer dependent on the star power of 'Desmond', if anything killing off

Did they even know Finn was alive? Or bellamy, for that matter? I thought everyone there was under the impression that they were the only ones that survived the grounder assault at the end of season 1.

When she was crazed out on the table in the hideout (btw, they should really invest in a hospital bed for that place, seeing how many times wounded people end up on an unconfortable backlit table) I had a thought: "who knew that actress could pull off such a crazed and confused look?", immediately followed by: "oh

See, I knew it. AV club is never this straightforward.

Or turning it 180 degrees, so the stain will be under the couch ;)

Think of all the piracy avoided, the accurate viewership ratings, the money!

Wasn't the entire reason Walt and Jesse went to Saul that he got Jesse and his friends out of a couple of tight spots before?

So it was more the archetypical movie villain? "You will die so I will divulge the truth to you"?

So I have a question: The message from the typewriter implied that the team would walk into a trap and suggests that Stark is behind it, effectively framing him. However, when they investigate the facility there the scientists immediately state Stark has nothing to do with it. Why go through the trouble of setting a

Doctor: "I don't understand! These random civilians got kidnapped and he didn't drop dead, but when his two daughters end up being dead he croaks it. It doesn't make sense!"

It really does fit into Jaha's personality. He's a leader, if he can't lead he'll take what he can and leave. Good for him and Murphy that they found some red shirts to keep them company until about the half-way point, you can expect either no coverage of the journey with a surprise reappearance (and flashback

That would be the double whammy actually, Daddy discovering both his daughters are dead will definitely kill him.