Paul the Defiler

What do you do with all the time you free up by writing “graf” instead of “paragraph?”

Dude she sold it to Carmax. They have established metrics that don’t factor “antique value.” She probably could have gotten more off CL, but lots of people simply don’t give a shit and prefer convenience over grinding out every nickel.  I’m not sure why everyone’s getting so judgy about this. 

Was there a reason you didn’t quote the actual comment in the article?

Tracy Flick is not the “hero” and nowhere in the NYT editorial does it moronically label her as such. 

Re-watched TG a few weeks ago and was surprised how well it holds up. Most of those “tropes” weren’t tropes when the film came out—Top Gun created them. Interestingly, the love scene wasn’t in the first cut. I feel Scott’s initial instinct was correct. Maverick and Charley ought not to have had a kiss until the end. 

You know, if you studied Whedon’s work a little more closely, maybe your snark wouldn’t be quite so on the nose. Joss Whedon is like the Pixies of pop culture. All the creators know they’re drafting off of him, but the public has only a vague notion of the enormous extent to which he’s defined TV, film and current pop

Excellent review. I responded more favorably to the game than you did, but your points are well taken. For me, FC2 presented too many frustrations. I resented playing for 45 minutes only to die and have to lose all of my work. I resented impenetrable mountains. I resented having to scrounge up those fucking malaria

No offense to Jezebel, but you need to be writing for the New Yorker.

The shotgun in MGS5 packs tremendous punch. Similar to knucklesuster in Bulletstorm. Launches enemies across a room. Great range. Never leave home without one.

My first thought when I saw Prinal’s trailer was, “I’m in.” How can you not respect a franchise that says instead of going bigger and louder, let’s get rid of the guns and explosions, go totally analog and make it a desperate struggle to survive. I'll be very surprised if it isn't a terrific game.

It’s an interesting argument. Part of me is inclined to say, “Sure, why not?” Another part of me bumps on the imperative in your argument. The “should.” One can make an argument that video games wouldn’t suffer from having all levels unlocked, like chapters in a book or dvd. But certainly game developers aren’t under

In this, you're actually Ash from Evil Dead. So you come with knowledge from the future that allows you to craft powerful automatic weapons.

So now a dumb joke in screenplay contest coverage feedback is news? Ironically, if the writer had more experience, she’d understand that was positive feedback. There was also nothing to gain by publishing and whining about it online, except to be known as the neophyte writer who made a huge stink about some contest

Any relatively well trained actor ought to be able to tell you what makes a good gun, and it isn’t the gun. It’s the same thing that makes a good punch. It’s how well the person on the receiving end sells it. I don’t care how boomy your boomstick, if the dude or monster on the receiving end only flinches, it’s going

Spoken like someone who has no family to support. There’s a difference between a bad judgement call and a pattern of bad judgment calls. Three’s also a difference between bad-mouthing your company to the media and simply speaking candidly about your job. What if he’d gone to his son’s bring your dad to school day, and

The Star Wars troll was not a troll but rather a Jedi for the Light side of the Force. But then his over-exposure to episodes 1-3 seduced him to the Dark side. Granted, Revenge is the Sith is re-watchable, but 1&2 give Battlefield Earth a run for its money in the suck department.

Let’s all give a round of applause to Captain Obvious.

HA! Me too. I thought, oh shit, some dude left her wife to die, but she survived and killed him. Her lust for revenge sated, she now forgives him.

Who designed Emily’s face? Court life seems to have taken its toll.

I’ve found “meh” to be an excellent descriptor for people who use the word.