Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.
How does theft of sexual services=transphobia?
Sorry but this is a horseshit opinion. Coke Zero tastes a lot different from Diet Coke, it’s sweeter and has that spicy, slightly citrusy flavor to it like Coca-Cola whereas Diet Coke does not. (The “base formula” of Coke Zero is the original Coke formula whereas the base formula of Diet Coke was and is the New Coke…
Fuck this false logic. You’d rather save time, than spend a few extra mins with your kids, prevent an abduction, or teach your kids how to act in public. What the hell is wrong with you. I have two girls that never seem to wear out. They go everywhere with me. And we have fun with it, while behaving ourselves most of…
It does pay...in spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you…
“I was afraid I might lose, so I didn’t even try.”
that’s a really good point, talk about not making lemonade with life’s lemons. it’s really bad sportsmanship, goes against the spirit of true competition. “a poor artist blames his tools” or some such quote.
“Muslims can hold internally consistent views that do not prescribe to the views you listed above but simultaneously believe that the Qu’ran is a holy book of God’s word”
Attacking your religion =/= attacking the peaceful adherents of said religion.
What’s the difference between jihadists and the people who bomb abortion clinics? One group of people uses their own religion—verses in the Quran and the hadith that advocate violence and harsh treatment against unbelievers, especially Jews…
“It is stupid to wear a hijab?”
That’s no man’s decision to make?
I totally read that, and most certainly imagined that as porn squad.
The Bible is a Rorschach test. You can see in it whatever you want to: justify slavery, prohibit slavery, can eat shellfish, can’t eat shellfish, etc.
I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.
“Its not my job to teach you even if you ask in earnest but fuck you for not knowing?”
I just grab the sheets on one side of the bed and snap them flat across the bed. Takes a couple seconds and looks a lot better. Now, that’s probably not “made” to most folks, but the sheets are flat.
You, really need to learn to spell, learn the number for the emergency services in the UK and finally maybe open a book on British culture. You speak of running an England, entirely ignoring the fact he is also prime minister of 3 other countries in the UK. The only bit that actually makes much sense in this…
It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but doesn't he basically completely change the relationship between the UK and America because of the president's treatment of Natalie?
The refills are about $5 a piece. Refilling this with diluted pine-sol ad water (you are supposed to heavily dilute pine-sol anyway) nets you under 25 cents a bottle. That's a 95% savings. In a household with wood floors, two dogs, and a baby, that is huge savings, because we end up doing the entire house at least…