Paul N

Your personal weight— no matter what your body size but especially for people who are overweight or obese— is the ultimate sticky subject. People who are fat know that its within their own power to lose the weight, if they really want to. If you can't work out, you do not need as many calories. Full fuckin' stop.

But aren't you fully admitting that your weight is at least partially related to what you eat? No one is saying that everyone has the power to be Brad Pitt in Fight Club, but you do have some modicum of control.

It's people like you that make it difficult to legitimately have a conversation. I've seen correlation between bodies holding onto weight as a manifestation of the need for emotional "padding" to protect oneself. Perhaps it'd be easier to drop those last few pounds if you weren't such a bitch.

Canadians don't call the the War 1812 the birth of a nation for no reason. 1812 is what solidified the union of Upper an Lower Canada. It is the war that Canada's national identity was born from. It is after that war that caused Canadians began to refer to themselves as such. In fact, you could argue that if it were