Take a glance at his Twitter page and you'll see why.
Take a glance at his Twitter page and you'll see why.
They're from the town where I live and part of a music scene I've enjoyed at times, but I just can't get into them. I'm absolutely rooting for their success though.
I'm pretty sure that The AV Club, despite their Onion roots, do not give sarcastic album review grades. Glad I could solve that one for you.
That picture's great. I love that the other three have their arms around each other and Daniel's got his folded. He's definitely the worst Baldwin. Which is a low bar to snake under.
They are legion.
But if you think that people who don't believe as you do will suffer for all eternity, that's just as real to you and much more important. Isn't it being a dick not to warn people?
I read and enjoyed The Skeletons in God's Closet by Joshua Ryan Butler recently. It does a really good job of addressing some of the things that turn people off from Christianity.
Alec doesn't talk much about Stephen and Billy? Does that mean that he does talk a lot about Daniel or did you forget that he exists? If so, that's okay. The rest of us wish we could forget about Daniel Baldwin.
I was flabbergasted that, after what seems like a few months of seriously writing online, Hannah is now apparently famous enough that the dean of some random college in upstate New York knows who she is and admires her work. I realize shows have to take shortcuts, but c'mon.
But I'm not even Catholic!
So this video was made just for nerds to put on a loop and make out with their computer screen I assume?
I don't know. I think it's been a pretty good decade overall. I enjoyed the comics coming out of both sides of the Schism, although I realize that some people have an extreme distaste for Bendis. There's also been some really solid arcs in the non-flagship books like Spurrier's runs on X-Men Legacy and X-Force,…
Yeah. I've found them to be enjoyable for the most part, but I'd agree that there's something a little off with them that I can't pinpoint. A lot of it may have to do with the time jump after Secret Wars and the fact that everything has had to serve as a lead-in to IVX. It's possible that letting these writers do…
Agreed. That's one of the biggest holes in the Marvel hates the X-Men theory. They've put quality talent on the titles. Except for Greg Land. Who someone likes I'm sure.
I'd say there's six generations. The O5, the Giant-Sized team and the other recruits from that era, the New Mutants, the Generation X kids, Morrison's New X-Men kids (which bleeds over into Academy-X), and the new students created post-Schism in Uncanny and Wolverine and the. Although I guess you could count the…
Generation X is the ReXXXurreXXXion title that I'm most excited about. And Surge showed up briefly in X-Men Prime! She even had a line! I miss her and Armor the most of all the young mutants who've disappeared I think. Glad to see Quintin back though.
Or art is subjective and every long-running, serialized entertainment property goes through peaks and valleys of quality?
Yep. Plus it's never made much sense that the citizens of the Marvel universe hate and fear the X-Men while loving the Avengers and the Fantastic Four. Some of its circumstantial and has to do with how the teams presented themselves, but for it still to persist after this many years (sliding timescale or not) strains…
I realize that taste is subjective, but I think that the alleged awfulness of recent X-Men has been greatly exaggerated. I wouldn't call it a creative peak, but the core comics have been solidly enjoyable most months at their worst. Plus, All-New Wolverine and Old Man Logan are two of the best solo books coming out of…
They're basically Captain Planet villains.