I forgot about Excalibur. But yeah. There were a ton of x-books in the early 90s.
I forgot about Excalibur. But yeah. There were a ton of x-books in the early 90s.
The same early early 90s I remember when they had Uncanny X-Men, Adjectiveless X-Men, Wolverine, New Mutants/X-Force, X-Factor, and the solo Cable comic? You're going to have to go back a lot further than the early 90s if you want just two X-Men comics.
It's the guy from that Onion/Lenovo fantasy football series, right? Am I the only one that watched that.
Rapunzel: A Clockwork Orange
Sleeping Beauty: A River Runs Through It
Rumpelstiltskin: Ernest Rides Again
Plus, the tax returns weren't even recent. Maddow didn't say in her tweet that they were 11 years old.
That was before they allowed black stormtroopers.
Yes. My dad gets mad at me when I make him watch movies that are sad.
But that hasn't stopped people from claiming that any sort of behavior from liberals that they don't personally enjoy is what got us Trump. Vegans, yoga, juice cleanses, Amy Schumer… They're all responsible for this dark day I've been told.
It's about chiropractory?
Umm…yeah.That's kind of the premise of the bit.
I thought NCIS: Los Angeles was made up by You're the Worst, but apparently it's a real thing. It's the one with Chris O'Donnell and LL. The original recipe has Mark Harmon, right? Do I win a prize?
Janelle Monae as Monica. Done.
Tribalism is certainly a major factor. In fact, I'd say it's one of the biggest problems we face as humans. Just not sure how someone saying "I wish they'd put some men on that magazine cover instead of all women" can be said to be caused by or blamed for that.
I thought latin countries were sexy ladies, germanic countries were husky men, and slavic countries were nebbish dweebs? Am I behind on my science quarterlies?
Slut-shaming is certainly a thing that happens. I'm not one of those "stop calling everything sexist, snowflake!" people. Just seems like a somewhat flimsy assertion to me when we're talking about something as murky as etymology.
Or men go off to war, rape the women, give those women VD and those women rightfully blame the men who raped them?
How is that implied by naming it after another country?
You applied it incorrectly by making a baseless assumption about a total stranger. There is no reason to believe that the commenter you replied to was anything but sincere in his feelings. To accuse him of putting on a false display of virtue despite the fact that he has absolutely nothing to gain from such display is…
Right. Because I'm sure that's how sociologists use the term, as a thoughtless insult to lob at anyone who expresses displeasure with another human being's behavior. The fact that a term exists doesn't mean you're applying it correctly, genius.
"Played fast and lose" is a pretty euphemistic way to say he reported a bunch of alleged historical facts that are in no way true. But I see you're from the same school of thought as he is where it's cool to mock people's religious beliefs and talk down to them, so I don't think there's any point in continuing this…