Paul Kinsey

Only for like three minutes after you post them.

Tom was such an annoying wet blanket when they had the meeting about forming a new company last season. Granted, he has a good reason to be upset since he rightly surmised that there was something going on between Cameron and Joe again, but still. He shot down every idea with no good justification.

You think? I mean, Alicia Silverstone certainly isn't A-list anymore, but Rachel Blanchard is hardly a household name. I'm pretty sure I'd take Alicia's career still.

I was halfway to IMDB to find out when/how Elisa Donovan died before I realized you were talking about Brittany Murphy.

Is it a letter or a roman numeral? I have no idea how I'm supposed to be reading it.

Agreed. That's a fun song.

Boy did they ever!

My additions would be:

He killed it on Rock 'N' Roll Celebrity Jeopardy.

So find a two week period during that era that was worse.

Nah… 14:59 is much more offensive than Floored simply based on the fact that they shifted their sound entirely to capitalize off of the success of "Fly."

They toured together again last year. It was a very good show, though they played in a bigger venue than I normally prefer.

Wait… I think you added an unnecessary italicized Room to that sentence.

You know… You can express a difference of opinion without being super condescending.

Of course it's an analogy. I'm comparing two situations that share similarities (rich, powerful person does bad thing, but their poor employees bear the brunt of the consequences) in order to show the negative consequences that bear out with that kind of thinking. Your analogy doesn't actually make any sense as we're

Sure. That would be great.

Really? I've never been on TV, so maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem like it would be very tough to avoid saying the n-word. "Don't provide a friendly platform to an alt-right hatemonger and follow it up by calling yourself a 'house n***er' on live television a month later" is a pretty low bar to clear.

No. It's an analogy, Sham Sith. Comparing two things in an analogy does not imply that they're identical. People are following the trail of your logic and asking where you draw the line. Why is sexual harassment a fireable offense to you while repeated racist jokes are not? Especially when we're talking a public

Nope. You're missing the point. The problem isn't the people who watch Maher's show being harmed. The problem is the garbage he's spreading influencing other people who then think it's okay to make hacky racist jokes and rant about the supposed evils of Islam. I can keep my TV off of HBO, but people of color can't

Sorry. I know reading comprehension is difficult. I assumed you understood how an analogy worked. My mistake. Poisoning lakes, sexually harassing women, and telling racist jokes are all bad things to do, but the level of harm they inflict on others in the short term isn't the same. However, one could certainly argue