Paul Kinsey

I'm not saying they're the same. I'm just pointing out the logical inconsistency in your viewpoint by taking up a few notches. If HBO is actively making the world a worse place to live in by broadcasting Bill Maher's racism, islamophobia, and anti-vax fear mongering (and many people would argue that they are), then

You could make that argument for any company though. "Sure, I know FactoryCorp is breaking all kind of environmental regulations by dumping poison into local rivers, but if we punish them at all, it's going to hurt the workers more than it hurts the rich CEO."

Sure. And the host is also disproportionately compensated as long as the show is on the air.

I suppose that's true. They could always come up with some convoluted way to get the patent back like the convoluted ways they come up with to get out of everything. Just seems to me like it would strain credulity even more than normal.

But once they were in, there would be no way to get out and do something different as Hooli would own Richard's algorithm.

It would have worked if Gavin was still flying solo, but not if he's back to running Hooli. There wouldn't be much narrative thrust if they were all just rich engineers working for a multi-national conglomerate.

I haven't played anything else that's come out this year yet, but I think it's a great game. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

First, last, and only.

Ugh…dirty communists. Thankfully, we've outlawed such practices in Trump's America. Make America Selfish Again, right bro?

It's based on an old fable. The children's book version written in the 40s was very popular.

I'll take your word for it. All I'm saying is that there's a reason people make fun of cargo shorts. While there may be exceptions that prove the rule, generally speaking, they are not flattering.

I'm sure that's true. What upside do they have over regular four-pocket shorts though? What aesthetic value do the extra pockets provide? It can't be a function thing because as soon as you put stuff in them, they're going to be bulky and awkward looking regardless of how the shorts are made.

Look. I enjoyed The Things They Carried as much as anyone, but…

I wear a utility belt like Batman. Obviously. And bandoliers crossed on my chest.

It would be supposedly fun, but he'd never do it again.

Well I'm glad I can be the first. I've never seen denigration of cargo shorts to be a denigration of shorts in general, though I am aware that some people don't find shorts to be a fitting clothing choice for a grown man. Cargo shorts are a separate issue. As I said, the fabric is thicker and the extra pockets make

The word you seem to not know is empathy. Look it up.

Your argument for cargo shorts is that it gets hot? You know they make other kinds of shorts, right? In fact, shorts without the thick fabric and unnecessary pockets are much more comfortable.

Did you not notice the part where he said he feels like a fraud because he'd never stay in a room that nice normally?

I only read half of your comment and disregarded the rest.