[Indian guy holds up sign saying "Death to All Hawaiians."]
Claremont's accent work is the focused totality of his writing powers. He serves it, body and soul.
That's fine. I realize he's an entertainer and needs to make jokes. It's not really the jokes that I object to. It's the smarminess and the blatant falsehoods he repeats. He's one of those people who's somewhat intelligent, but extremely gullible. He'll believe anything that fits into his worldview regardless of how…
And whether Milo's truly gone from our lives remains to be seen. There's a chance that his followers double down and he gets even more popular. Never underestimate the power of a victim narrative.
I don't doubt it. That's a typical debate strategy of people who have low intelligence. Just keep repeating the same two or three arguments and don't let anyone else speak.
Bullshit. I didn't watch the whole episode, but in all the clips I've seen, Maher is all buddy/buddy with him, laughing it up. I don't hate Maher because he's "not liberal enough." I'm not even all that liberal myself. I hate Maher because he's a, smug opportunistic asshole. In the clip above, Milo says that he wants…
You said it was fortunate that Maher gave him a soapbox. That's pretty close to my paraphrase and certainly things that have been said by other liberals. I get where you're coming from though. I do. I just don't think it works in reality.
That's perfectly fine with them. He's not Right-wing according to them. He's "alt-right." He gets to play the poor, marginalized outsider bullied by the political mainstream just like Trump did. Trust me, his sycophantic followers will have no problem spewing hate at CPAC at all.
Saying "everybody deserves a platform" and "give him enough rope and he'll hang himself" is falling into his trap. The Washington Post had a great article yesterday about how Milo has essentially made his living off of the politeness of the center Left and the center Right.
If you get a second wind, head to the FOC article. There are plenty of people in the comments giving Maher credit for Milo's downfall. And getting likes for it! Numerous likes! It's a sad state of affairs.
The mainstream media (excluding outlets like Fox News which are well within the definition of "mainstream") may have a slight liberal bias. I don't doubt that. But the problem arises when people on the Right create a false equivalency. Do the majority of reporters at NPR vote for Democrats most often? Probably. But…
You make some good points. By "leftist," I meant that she's a liberal who's in direct opposition to this country's mainstream Right wing. She's certainly no Che Guevara. Let's not get too bogged down in terminology. I haven't seen her blow stuff that people to her Left do as I rarely watch her show, but I'll take your…
Not off the top of my head, no. I realize that's completely subjective. I've just noticed lots of moments when Maher had on Conservative guests and there was deafening silence after what seemed to be an applause line. It feels at times like the audience wants to clap but holds back because of the political orientation…
Debate for the sake of debate is just masturbation. Maher invites Conservative guests on the show, but, with the exception of Milo apparently, he allows his guests and audience to run roughshod over them. Even when they say, reasonable, normal things that should be worthy of applause, the audience is dead silent due…
I don't think she's on the far Left of the political spectrum, but she's unwaveringly leftist and tends to blow the most minute actions of the Right WAY out of proportion. I agree with her on most things, but I don't find her show to be very useful because it treats everything with the same level of exasperated…
The timing was just a coincidence. It was Milo's invitation to CPAC that did him in, not his appearance on a late-night HBO show.
That's revisionist history. He's done because he was signed as a guest at CPAC and actual Conservatives took the time to expose some of the more hateful and underreported things he's said. His appearance on Real Time had nothing to do with it.
So have him on your show to demystify him and take him to task for his abhorrent views and disreputable statistics. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. By having him on and letting him have free reign to share his hateful message, you only risk letting him convert people to his side. Especially when Maher…
It's amazing how militant atheists can be so smug about how much smarter they supposedly are than everyone else while repeating the same tired, idiotic cliches over and over again.