Paul Kinsey

Maher doesn't even deserve much credit for having diverse guests. That was the case when he was hosting Politically Incorrect, but every time I've tuned in lately, he has three liberal guests (with a fourth liberal who he brings out halfway through) and one token conservative who he and his audience mock and shout

I can't reply to your other comment because it's "awaiting moderation." [Probably Milo fans flooding the site and downvoting everything.] You couldn't be anymore wrong about Maher though. His brand of militant atheism is just as ill-informed and thoughtless as the redneck evangelicals he loves to pick on. His smug

Waltz was definitely a problem. I thought the movie had tone issues beyond his character though. It felt like Burton didn't know if he wanted to make a comedy or a drama.

Maybe. My issue was less with them and more with the drippy lead and ingenue. I found both of those characters and actors to be completely unappealing. Depp and Bonham were fine from a performance standpoint. Their characters were just unlikeable due to their heinous actions. At least that's the way I remember it this

I can't point to anything really wrong with Burton's Sweeney Todd. I just didn't like any of the characters or any of the songs. Which probably means I wouldn't like the stage version either.

Yeah. Alice in Wonderland is bad. There's no real twists or turns in the plot. She has three things to do, so she does those three things and the movie ends. I could see someone enjoying the visuals I guess, but even those are pretty rote if you've seen Burton's other films.

Yeah. It's pretty brutal. You could make a case for Alice in Wonderland or Sweeney Todd maybe, but I didn't like either of those. I hoped Big Eyes would be a return to form, but I hated it.

Yep. The last good Burton film. Probably forever.

She was great in Matchstick Men as well.

You can get it, but only if you're in the Knights Templar.

It is not on my cable package. Or offered by my cable company. I requested it just now though. For all the good that will do.

Yeah no shit you pay for things, dumbass. Which makes you on the grid, not off. But you're still missing the point. You don't subsidize any of those things on your own. They're only possible because millions of other people collectively pay for them with you. That goes for pretty much every other thing that makes your

I'm done with this conversation. I've already wasted too much time on you. You define words in ways that no reasonable person defines them and then claim people are saying things they in no way said. It's pathetic and insufferable. I will counter one more thing you said, however. You do not live "off the grid."

You're living in a fantasy land. You've constructed this perfect little kingdom on paper and you're clueless as to how real life works. I've told you repeatedly that I don't give a shit about your selfish ideology or your labor theories. Using cherry-picked data doesn't make you smart or right. Poverty went up in the

No. What's amazing is how you can be so narrow-minded as to only see the part of the picture that supports your viewpoint. Again, the only reason you make anything from your "labor" is because of the systems that other people put in place and the millions of people who continually support those systems. As I said

What exactly is corrupt about getting paid to give a speech? Do you even think about what you're typing first? I don't care if you're 47 or 107. Age doesn't equal intelligence or wisdom. Either you're a colossal troll or you actually believe that all 65.8 million people who voted for Clinton and against Trump are dumb

Nope. Look up how much celebrities like the Clintons make per speech. Then look up the Clintons' net worth. Do the math. It all checks out. The list of the places they've given speeches are available online as well. The vast majority of them are organizations with zero need for any "pay for play." And the Clinton

Wow. You are honestly one of the dumbest, most hateful people I've ever come across. Just an FYI, asshole, I have a job. I'm not mooching off of anyone. Least of all you. But I also recognize that I'm fortunate to have one and would never lord it over someone who's in a worse situation than me. Because that's all it

You got me. Clearly the guy who thinks it's clever to call people "libtards" and tell me not to "drink the Koolaid" is the person I need to teach me about maturity. Please, oh wise one, give me the secret to caring only about myself and using the most tired, played out insults? Teach me your ways.

I'm wedded to children having food, asshole. If it takes a metaphorical gun in someone's face to make that happen, fine. It's for the collective good. Your rights as an individual to be a dick and mooch off other people without contributing don't supersede that.