
In before all the "Shoulda let GM DIE! Hurr durr Bailout Obama Muslim Terrorist Gub'ment Mowtoors" trolls.*


I don't know who is telling the truth here, or what the truth is, which is why this story will persist. But I'm open to the possibility that GM was tragically ill prepared to deal with issues, that communication within the automaker was poor, and that one person was responsible for so many important decisions over the

I can tell you I hate this light just from the lead picture. If a person can't tell that they are going 10 mph faster than you without a flashing light then a flashing light is going to do much good.

You know what is the ultimate tailgating deterrent? not loafing in the passing lane

I just started a thread on Kickstarter to open a chain of marijuana dispenaries along these new roads. The details don't matter much when you hear the name: The Pot Hole.

The post wherein Raphael learns that technology can easily make up for excess weight.

When Team Cat is ready to acknowledge denounce their own history of systematic violence.

don't know dinglysquat about anything, but it looks cool

The F-4 definitely was a distinct looking bird, all weird angles hell-bent (ba-dum-CHING!) on keeping it in the air. The A-10 is what happens when you take a glider, abuse it as a child, cheat on it's mother, and never think it's good enough so that it grows up, drops out of high school, gets a tramp stamp, shaves

I like the discreet, normal cars from the 1970s, back when Batman was more of a detective.

You know, I'm inclined to agree. I always preferred the very utilitarian Batmobiles. I'd really like to see him using a fleet of armored VW Things painted matte black.

The only way that the '89 Batmobile could be cooler was if it had the "intimidate" mode that was so lovingly programmed into the Tumbler. Like you said, the Tumbler was great because it was not only just a vehicle that he repurposed, but it expanded his capabilities even long after its destruction.

I've always loved the Hellenic Air Force's "Aegean Ghost" pattern:

Neutral: My Jalopnik Accountability Team should be proud to know I followed up on my 2012 promise to sell my Ford stock if Fields was officially named CEO. But since I'm a pussy, I only sold half of it (so far). I'm generally against the idea of Marketing and/or Sales people heading a company this complex, especially

And if you were looking to join the early team at Paypal, a career in larceny and/or child abuse was highly preferred. Musk has always been a picky guy.

Michael, that's not beautiful. It's curvy... But curves don't always mean proportion and beauty.

Even worse and more cruel: VW W12 "Nardo". Build a series of production-feasible running prototypes over a period of four years only to tell everyone that they won't sell any of them.

Oh Wow. Priceless. Love how StevenG is actually arguing with you too...So new money...