I think humans will out-breed our ability to feed ourselves long before colonies outside our biosphere become independently viable.
I think humans will out-breed our ability to feed ourselves long before colonies outside our biosphere become independently viable.
They’re just salivating over his Italian/Iranian thing.... Sorry, fuckers, you already promoted Italians to white in the ‘60s, no takesies-backsies.
I would bet a good chunk of money he was also incel.
No, it’s not like that, it’s dumber and less tricky.
Well, I’m American so I barely speak one language...
You also can’t prove or disprove that a three-headed, ten-humped, six-legged camel farted the universe into existence. But you wouldn’t seriously entertain the notion, would you?
I honestly think he doesn’t understand that swedish politicians have no power over the courts
At the risk of outing myself as having terrible taste in film, does anyone else find most of his work unwatchable? I’ve just never understood the appeal of such a high violence to plot ratio and it’s really off-putting to me.
Here’s what you miss:
This whole thing feels like an attack on my childhood.
Google isn’t evil. MS was evil in the 90's. Google isn’t evil like MS was evil.
This is pretty much exactly how I feel about boxing, MMA, and American football. I love watching them but...
I love boxing, but boxing probably shouldn’t be a thing.
That bezel is... huge? What are y’all smoking in those offices?
Maybe a chattel jog your memory?
I’d actually like to thank the president for making an inherently unlikeable team of bullies into the feel good sports story of 2019. Made my WC experience a lot less conflicted.
Was this comment produced by a random-troll-comment-generator or did actual human fingers commit these sentences to the internet?
Found the butthurt Trump lover.
I feel like I’m the only one who can’t stand this style of animation. I knew nothing about Kricfalusi before you posted this, but I’ve always been troubled by Ren & Stimpy and SpongeBob style animation. As a kid, I remember other kids loving Ren & Stimpy, I just thought it was gross. Especially with it’s weird…