Wouldn’t it be great if we’d stop worrying about masculinity or femininity and just worry about our humanity? Why is that such a difficult concept for these people?
Wouldn’t it be great if we’d stop worrying about masculinity or femininity and just worry about our humanity? Why is that such a difficult concept for these people?
Can’t that also be said of anything of value? Technology allows me to generate a perfect copy of the Mona Lisa. Does that make the Mona Lisa worthless?
It’s almost as if the mentality of slavery never really went anywhere — it just changed its appearance a bit.
That gets you a respectable 8GB of DDR4 memory
I (briefly...thank god) worked in used car sales. I’ve seen many many cars come through.
“Getting Agressive” is what it’s called when any male with more than 2% melanin does or says anything to disagree with a white person trying to boss them around.
I feel as though it was absolute kismet that I got out of automotive sales and became a news reporter literally two months before COVID-19 hit North America.
When they asked where Troy Barnes would be today, I’m surprised no one mentioned the easter egg from a from a few episodes later where the TV had a news scrawl stating that “Levar Burton and non-celebrity captured by pirates” or something like that.
It’s amazing how quickly my respect for this dude has tanked throughout this whole COVID-19 thing...
It seems incredibly pointless and stupid that, here in Canada, I can open up the GlobalTV app on my Roku TV and watch this episode FREE for the next week, but I can’t watch the clips here because “the uploader has not made the video available in your country”.
He’s one of the few humans on earth whose timely demise will be met with the final scene of Return of the Jedi (the expanded remastered version)
Well...that’s the most horrifying thing I’ve read today.
...football for people who don’t really like football.
Giving you a shiny little toggle button in no way operates as “proof” that they aren’t going to do it. They’re entirely closed source; they can do whatever the hell they want and you’ll never know about it.
I firmly believe that a lot of those things; the things that are hardcore “ass-rape prison” illegal, are being held until he is once again a private citizen.
It’s fine. It’s a little long; it feels like every sequence could have been edited down a little tighter. And after the climax, it continues on for what feels like another half hour with “feel good” demouments.
...a core white nationalist belief that suggests illegal immigrants and other non-white residents will eventually replace white Americans.
I know that they’re not, but WHY do these look badly photoshopped. He doesn’t look real in most of them, like the shadows don’t fall right or something. If I didn’t know any better (and yes...I do know better) I’d swear he was photoshopped into them.
I’d much rather eat leftover Popeyes than reheated pizza.