

It is statistically proven that Americans have WORSE teeth. Americans are arrogant as hell, everybody knows it except for Americans. American sports stars and fans are always obnoxious (we’re number one - who the fuck says that, it’s weird). And you’re also ignorant to the point that you can’t even cite obvious

3. Someone in the Chinese delegation complimented Trump on his tie, and he said, Okay, whatever.

Good industrial design works hand in hand with engineering to overcome this kind of shite.

“Reminder that” blah blah blah.

Oh. Apparently you didn’t get the memo that we the 5-ish percent of the human population decided we’re the only nation evil enough to actually use nuclear weapons and that we nominated ourselves to be the gestapo of the rest of the 95% of humanity. 

Twitch is garbage.

I got my MateBook by pre-order from the MateBook store, I would encourage all other educated and well informed individuals to do the same

A fundamental problem with our society is that it rewards psychopathy.

This is who millions of Americans want to spend their free time watching and give their hard earned money to. This guy.

Imagine liking streamers

The United States has concentration camps. We also supported Nazis. Once the war was over we explicitly just gave the country back to the remaining Nazis, after killing some of the top brass.
Oh, we’ve also killed multi millions of people worldwide in needless wars, and financed and continue to supply more wars, and

Multiple assaults in the workplace. Multiple assaults by homeless persons. Restraining orders against former partners. How unlucky can one person be?

The fucking Bruins have feasted for decades on non-calls, they cheated and coasted on spineless officials, abject hockey and Colin Campbell to a shameful undeserved Stanley Cup in 2011.  That they squawk now about refs swallowing their whistles is such rich schadenfreude for us all.  

Careful, sarcasm can be tough round these parts. 

There is no such thing as a “normal technology process” outside of what, we as a society, are willing to accept. If we decide that it’s unacceptable to destroy low-skill jobs with automation, then it won’t be the process as we adopt a new one. You might call it a normal capitalist process, but it’s pretty obvious that

Even Boston fans hate Boston fans.  

the only reason he thinks he can get away with it is literally every single experience he’s ever had.

McConnell is the most vile person in politics today. And I say that in full knowledge of the entire Trump administration. If it weren’t for McConnell, there wouldn’t be a Trump administration.  He’s a complete bastard.

The fun fact is this is all a joke.