“Winning” should require actually being on the offensive at some point in the match. But it doesn’t. Thanks to gaming of the scoring system, it’s entirely possible to take no offensive action, hang back and play defence, and end up winning.
“Winning” should require actually being on the offensive at some point in the match. But it doesn’t. Thanks to gaming of the scoring system, it’s entirely possible to take no offensive action, hang back and play defence, and end up winning.
It’s called “Mike Tyson’s Punch-out”, not “Mike Tyson’s back-up and dodge to get strategic points simulator 2015”
Microsoft Back-Pedalling simulator 2015
Mumbles through “Hot Fuzz”...
My favorite part of Hot Fuzz, and I don’t know if it’s true, is that there was originally a love interest for Angel that got written out of the script. But instead of just deleting her lines, they gave most of them, unaltered, to Danny. Which is why the whole bro-mance motif takes on so much more meaning.
I realize that I'm far in the minority here, but:
I realize that I'm far in the minority here, but:
Stone has a fractured wrist.
Whatever man, I loved the shit outta my Cav.
Habits habits habits
That is so weird. Maybe it's a windows thing, I don't know. I'm running the Linux version and there's no trial version. I've been able to save to DOCX since day one and still can.
I`m perfectly fine with moving down in the draft.
right click and "open as root/administrator"
My OCD just can't even.
The Discovery Channel seriously needs a time-out, sit in a corner for a while and figure out what kind of broadcaster they want to be.
'murica...fuck yeah!
I do believe that this is the first time in three years that I miss having a windows machine.
Watched it. But I like Black Sails a LOT more.