
The story of how Horst Dassler managed to effectively melt the Puma shoes destined for athletes at the Melbourne Olympic, is a classic of the genre.

And spite turns out to be a major driving factor of many of they key actions in the film.

I came out unsure whether the sound improved as the film went on, or if I was just gradually tuning in to it.  The early RDJ scenes were a real struggle but after that I thought the sound was fine.

I’m a Black Mirror fan, but found Bandersnatch tedious. The Kimmy Schmidt one however was genius because it was absolutely loaded with jokes which rewarded “repeat” viewing.

Ad-Rock ended up in court in Liverpool charged with Grievous Bodily Harm of somebody hit by one of the beer cans he hit back into the crowd, but was found not guilty.

Well it doesn’t exactly sound like the Beastie Boys Liverpool gig in 1987.

That headline inspired me to watch the clip.  With respect to hot tubs on top of trailers, his advice is literally “I would advise against putting a hot tub on top of your trailer”.  Nothing more, nothing less.

To me she’ll always be Brahbrah from Flight of the Conchords.  And then I remember my mistake.

I think the lesson the media should take from this is, when Morrissey dies it will still be OK to call him a prick.

He’s basically Randy Quaid in Independence Day.

I’ve already posted the video for Troy and it is just stunning (with a hint of Lair of the White Worm). I’ve loved the song since I bought her first album, but hadn’t appreciated it had been released as a single in the UK to little acclaim, before the much poppier Mandinka hit the charts. And I’ve just found the

Set in Atlanta’s hip-hop scene if they go with the first draft.  (This is not a joke.)

I think right there is exactly TF kind of story Lena f’ing Dunham can make out of Polly f’ing Pocket.

Thanks for posting that - just beautiful.

I think that’s another way of saying exactly the same thing.

I’m not entirely sure why I’ve always felt so sad about the way things went for her. Possibly it was because of how much I loved her first album and her incredibly distinct and versatile voice. Possibly it was how I felt after the way Miley Cyrus responded to her attempt to give her some very good advice. Such a