
Almost - he was watching a singer on the little stage near Cotton On. I have heard that Queen Street HJs (Burger King to the rest of the world) is the standard place to arrange to meet in Brisbane.

He’s great at comedy. To quote Spike Milligan after seeing the first episode of Ripping Yarns, “more please”.

It’s a great episode.  We recently got to see the extended episode “The Sign” and if you can watch that without a tear in your eye, you are dead inside.  Bluey rules.

Bizarrely true. I may have already told this story before but over Easter I had arranged to meet an old friend in Brisbane as were both there (me from the UK, him from NZ) at the same time. We needn’t have bothered making any arrangements - I just bumped into him on Queen Street.

I have to say, this checks out.

Proof of great sense of humour? Doubtful. Hacky bad joke? Undoubtedly.

Fair point - it was just that in the context of the light hearted pom-bashing that preceded it, I was expecting a bit more to-and-fro.

I was surprised at quite how little a sense of humour Australians have if its aimed in their direction. I once joined in a cricket-related email “banter” session around a 400-strong office in Perth, by sharing a picture of a green and gold t-shirt bearing the caption “HM Prison Australia”. Not a single response.

I haven’t seen either for many years and often confuse the two.

It also helps when your anthem is as good as Advance Australia Fair.

“Dirge” you say? Britain wants you to hold its beer.

Don’t be modest - that is top quality work in the headline.

I suspect her horror at the jokes is more focused on the racist stuff they make Jost read, rather than the ones that poke fun at her.

I think he may have been channelling his own performance from Mickey Blue Eyes.

I didn’t notice the “and” was not italicised at first and was intrigued at the thought of “Dune: Prophecy and the Penguin”.

I see what you shouldn’t have done there.

Down With Love looked great, but didn’t offer much more than that.  I was really hoping for much more.

I’m still intrigued by the suggestion that the Uno movie would be set within the Atlanta hip-hop scene.

If I’m flicking through channels and it’s just starting, I will generally watch until the boat come under control and then move on to something else.

Studio bosses: “Could the sidekick be white?”