
That cracked me up.

“Ask Jeeves told me” is a great line, but in my mind “I asked Jeeves” would have been slightly better.

Interesting stuff (I gathered it was as in turnpike, but I’d never heard that phrase before, and turnpike is a rarely used word in the UK anyway).

I thought the A last week should have been an A-, given that much of it was treading the same ground as the episode before (scam, montage etc). But if anything, this episode was an A+.

That had my mind racing - surely a deliberate ploy, before the reveal that its ABQ.

Subconscious self-sabotage, possibly. The kind of behaviour Saul Goodman would have berated a client over.

After several years of worrying if Kim survives, there was a little while there, where I was thinking maybe it would have been better if she hadn’t. I wonder whether the life she is leading is a guilt-ridden, self sabotaging form of purgatory. Maybe the confession, with or without prosecution, is the redemption she

I’m assuming they meant “coming down the pipe” as in a pipeline of projects.

I was a very conservative 10 year old who (at that time) preferred her Sandra Dee look.  Far too young for us to be talking of her in the past tense.

The Beatles are underrated (by the general public). Loads of artists have evolved and produced great variety in their art. Few have done so as quickly as The Beatles. And none have taken pretty much all of their fans with them while they did it. The words of 90% of the pop and rock stars of the following decade

I’m just a month away from having a Prime Minister younger than me for the first time. And I know neither of them are as scary as DeSantis, but I’m still deeply depressed at seeing people younger than me with a reactionary mindset, and zero integrity, reaching positions of power in my country.

Me too (as I posted before seeing the point had already been made).  It was killing me for 24 hours before I finally realised who he was.

It’s taken me nearly 24 hours to work out where I know the cancer suffering scam victim from. I am now ashamed to admit I know him from The Big Bang Theory.

Part of me is thinking that this was an exceptionally well made episode with a great conclusion of Gene both stepping over another moral line AND acting recklessly to do so. But part of me felt a little cheated that so much time was spent on showing the scam play out, complete with montage, one week after an episode

Point taken on the British possessiveness over the language. The Australian word was “wog” - a very offensive racial slur in the UK, but a largely inoffensive word used in Australia for people of Mediterranean origin (and often used by such people themselves).

Largely agreed, but I do think in the modern world, if a word is offensive in one of your key markets, you don’t use it. There will be plenty of Brits that might take the view you suggest, but I’m guessing most wouldn’t.

She’s trying to make it classy by using the British equivalent, instead of just saying “lines”.

Well played Inspector. Well played indeed.

So are we all clear that Legally Blondes never happened?

Mostly remembered in the UK for “accidentally” playing the uncut version of the video for Belouis Some’s Imagination to an unsuspecting early evening audience of delighted teenage boys and appalled mothers.