
Wait till Dave pulls his project whining about not being able to find the low wage service oriented workforce he will need for his restaurant and comedy club.

Depends on whether you think his town needs a comedy club, or affordable places for people to live.  

In case you were wondering if Dave Chappelle has gone full asshole, yeah, he’s apparently willing to pull all his investments out of a town if poor people move there.

Wow. What an absolute cock. He’s really into his “pull up that fucking ladder” stage of life.

The same goes for some cats, too, particularly if you switch your cat from dry food to wet food. Oh. My. God. So much poo. So smelly. 

“Murphy, who is set to retire next month at New York state’s mandatory retirement age of 70,”

At least (and I realize that’s a big ask, given the circumstances) this means that when this fucker violates his second chance at probation - and he will - it’ll get assigned to another judge, who might not be this kind of

fuck that judge and fuck his god.

Yeah, no way a guy with a pattern of serial rape will not reoffend. No, of course not, that would be ridiculous. Don’t even bring up escalation. No no, a serial rapist would never decide that the best way to not get caught again would be to kill his victim or anything. That’s not a pattern any notable serial killers

So when cops and DA’s complain that women won’t report rapes or testify, maybe they can direct their anger to bullshit like this. 

Slow news day or this blog is finally dead?

Oh for fuck’s sake. Squid Game costumes DOMINATED Halloween this year, are you going to go after every single person that wore one or are you just singling out Chrissy because she’s the bête noire of the moment?

Those poor fictional characters! I can’t imagine how their nonexistent hearts must be breaking over seeing this!

The people you saw in Squid Game were actors that were cosplaying as poor people. The people at Teigan’s party were cosplaying as characters in a TV show. Squid Game isn’t real. This is all pretend.