
That is a really, really useful guide.

I’ve posted this before, but I’m going to do it again. This should be the most important diagram that any rally spectator should be looking at. But unfortunately, a lot of people are happy to throw all caution out the window.

Although we understand the risks involved when we head out into the Forests to watch rally, it doesn’t make it any less tragic when spectator deaths occur.”

Ah you’re a true Jalop Orlove. And I do agree the interior alone is what destroy’s this car’s appeal to me. It’s disappointing, because Cadillac almost did it. ALMOST.

I might. Or I might decide it looks like a badly weathered 20 year old Grand Am.

Bleech. 14 Shades of Gray.

Common mistake everyone makes. 3rd world is a term used regarding political systems, not economies. China was technically 2nd world, because it’s communist, as opposed to us democracies in the 1st world. India was 3rd world, but the Cold War is over so now everyone is either developed, developing, or underdeveloped.

These are actually illegal in most states, but it is just one more thing not enforced. Here in VT, the law is a maximum of 15” above the seat surface.

It’s 2015 and this idiot is still sporting a mullet.

because pop culture is oversaturated with them and the last thing we need are people using fucking Minions to communicate about really serious issues. it’s like a way to put a goofy face on a very real problem.

Planned Parenthood has prevented more abortions than all of the pukes who are opposed to them put together.

Thank God I’m not alone here. It looks like one of those fish you find near deep sea vents.

When it came out my first reaction was “why does it have so many gills?”

The Saleen S7 is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most gorgeous cars of the last 25 years. Maybe even last 50.

Oceans 401(k)?

Actually, they should just enter the Korres in the WRC. That’s how they’ll beat the Germans once and for all...

OMFG Korres.


Wont make a difference at all and here's why.