
Rice’s words are nothing if not canned and bland, by-the-book corpspeak. The car is sweet, but the side sculpting is too shapeless and lacks any sort of detail to catch and hold the eye.

Sean: Shelby—“unseated”, like in musical chairs?

Took the words right out of my mouth—I had a Chevy HHR as a rental in SoCal a few years ago, and was totally dismayed. Underneath what I thought was a retro-cool late ‘40s body was—NOTHING. It was the mosr lackluster Anerican vehicle I have ever driven. The interior was acres of featureless molded plastic. The ICE and

One simple phrase when negotiating: “Price out the door.”

M1, Ninety, R5.

My Transportation Design modeling students are on a similar wavelength. Except these are Jeep-branded, so by edict are larger!

“Here—hold my caipirinha...”

How many cars do they have to build for a simple press event—six? 12? 20? In any case they will have to build thousands of nearly flawless cars in order to achieve success in this market.

You can spell “schadenfreude” but not “you’re”?

Try the possesive form, “whose”.


That mug shot is, like, the definition of “Weasel, LLP”.

I wonder how many people are Googling “Trump kneeling” at this moment?

Two manny freaken a’p’o’s’trophes...

It was the state, not the car. It was the color, not the power.

Fifty-one bananas a day:

It’ll probably take more like 5-7 years, so concentrate then on finding a low-mile car with the “right” specs.

Whoops! Drivin’ got purty SOWDY there, in a hurry!

Nah. Just practice “holding it”.