Paul Banta

It defected to Arrakis.

I agree the tv series is overdoing the sex a bit and adding some that wasn't in the books, but only implied. It's still targeted at young adults (as they are the ones who would be paying for the HBO anyways) so it's not as playful and jouncy and exhibitionist as it would be if it were aimed at a lower-age bracket.

Bran may have been in a twilight coma or fugue state, where he was functional as far as being able to eat, but his higher brain functions were damaged and he was basically "sleepwalking"—were he able to walk. In the books, he dreamed heavily while in that state. Or his connection with his direwolf kept him alive

Isn't Westeros just the name of the continent of the Seven Kingdoms and not the name of the planet itself?

So I'm not the only one seeing loads and loads of inside references to other great sci-fi works in this show?

They're trimming Daenerys' severely in the tv show. In the books she had over 100 followers with her and their occupation of an abandoned city has been totally bypassed as well (not a spoiler because in the chronology of the story it would have already happened). Losing Rhakharo (presumably a casting conflict) and

HBO also thinks their core audience is a bunch of 15 year-olds that get off on watching another kid point a leathal weapon at girls to force them to do S&M.

Glitch-repose deleted.

If you look carefully, you do get a glimpse of Rhaegal (the green dragon) in his crate. Drogon (the black) is the first to develop his fire-breathing skill though and the fastest-maturing dragon.

He ran calling, "Wiiiiiildfire!"

That unecessary little S&M-at-crossbow-point scene nearly ruined the show for me. C'mon! That's a "Just because we're HBO and we can" moment. Fortunately, this epiosde more-than-made up for it. Seems the odd episode is awesome and the even ones are—we—not-so much...

The series is giving Margaery more to do and developing her character more than in the books (which will come in handy for season three). This is one change I like. As for Stannis, you're right in that he doesn't really want to think about Mel's means of furthering his "rightful" claim, as long as it works. They're

LOL! Actually there wasn't any place for it, unless they decided to insert a Cersi-Lancel boudoir romp for eye-candy (like they did last week with Joffrey forcing the whores to do S&M at crossbow-point, that almost killed this show for me.). I'm glad they gave the titillation a break too, for it's getting too

I feel your pain. If they had twice the budget and two hours a week instead of one (or 50-odd minutes, minus reviews, previews and promos for HBO's lesser shows) they could fill in the gaps.


I've read the books and I'm quite happy with this episode. Seems the tv version of GOT has the "Star Trek Syndrome" of every other episode being not-so-good—the even-numbered ones in this case. I was very annoyed at last week's episode, especially the non-canonical and unnecessary S&M scene with Joffrey and the two

Oh, thank you for that Dr. Demento flashback! ;)

"I warned them. I warned them all. 'If you go to blah-blah-blah, you will die!" But did they listen to me? Nawww... no one listens to me. See what happens? Told ya so!"

"We found Spacejockey first, and we dressed better!"

Lovely ka-boomage, the Norwegian Blue...